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Wednesday 2 December 2020

Faustus Hornraven's Frostgrave Diary - Game 1

Game One

16th March 2019


Robert (Thaumaturge)


Mausoleum (rulebook scenario 1)


Game One



Faustus Hornraven

Soothsayer, level 1


Rinswynd the Wizzard

Soothsayer apprentice

Soldier 1

Harhold the Hammer


Soldier 2

Leofric Ethandun


Soldier 3

Eadwyn of Culleigh


Soldier 4

Delsaran Greenleaf


Soldier 5

Bulvar Bulvarsson


Soldier 6

Snorri Ironwrath


Soldier 7

Orm Gundalsson




Skeletons were shambling from the dank mausoleum as the two rival warbands approached through the gloomy city. Both wizards knew the treasure that could be found, guarded by the undead. Faustus Hornraven divined the position of additional treasure through a Reveal Secret spell before he saw a rival Thaumaturge, Baldrick, and his treasure hunters scurrying through the ruins ahead.

The Thaumaturge’s warband raced ahead to the treasure first, despite Faustus drawing a couple of the chests closer to himself with telekinetic energies. This move was costly, however, as the skeletal guardians attacked the treasure hunters and began clawing at them with long dead fingers. Despite the bravery of a thief who managed to knock out the man-at-arms that Faustus had only yesterday hired in a tavern, Baldrick’s warband suffered at the hands of the skeletons.

They began retreating with the chests that they had gained, with arrows from Hornraven’s archer and crossbowman flying down around them while his own thieves began running back with treasure themselves. Just as the enemy thought they were making good their escape, Faustus and Rinswynd unleashed their secret weapon and Mind Controlled two members of the opposing warband, stopping them in their tracks. This gave enough time for the skeletons to catch up to the warriors and for Hornraven’s ranged soldiers to move to better vantage points. 

The enemy were now surrounded. They had 3 of the 4 special treasure chests. One thief dodged away and took his chest back to their hideout, but a second was dropped as the soldier carrying it was thrown to the ground. To add insult to injury, Baldrick had been severely wounded by a critical hit from a skeleton, while his apprentice had been felled by an arrow. Only a single Treasure Hunter remained on his feet, and he was being hunted down.

Two of Hornraven’s thieves had escaped with regular treasure chests, while the third had been taken out of action, along with the Man-at-arms and Infantryman. Faustus and Rinswynd remained in the graveyard, with their Crossbowman and Archer chasing the fleeing Treasure Hunter. As he dodged left and right through the ruins, neither could line up a decent shot and he managed to scrabble away, clinging to his hard-won bounty. Faustus surveyed the small battlefield, picking up the remaining treasure chests and stalking away to find a suitable base of operations to continue exploring the frozen city. 

Game One


Man-at arms (Harhold)

Badly wounded (miss next game)

Infantryman (Leofric)

Badly wounded (miss next game)

Thief (Snorri)

Full recovery

Game One

Wizard Experience

Wizard spells cast


60 XP

Apprentice spells cast


60 XP

Treasures collected


250 XP

Casualties caused

None by wizard



2 special chests

40 XP



410 XP

Faustus is now at level 4. He gets the following advancements:

1.     +1 Health

2.    -1 to cast Reveal Secret

3.    -1 to cast Telekenesis

4.    -1 to cast Mind Control

Game One


Special chest #1

2 potions:

-       Toughness

-       Demon in a Bottle

50 GC

+50 GC for special chest

Special chest #2


20 GC

+50 GC for special chest

Regular chest #1


140 GC

Regular chest #2


50 GC

Regular chest #3


-       Fast Act

150 GC



510 GC

(+10 GC in the vault)

The warband moved into an Inn as a base of operations, enabling up to 11 members of the warband in all games.


Faustus chose to purchase the following upgrades with his gold crowns:

·         Carrier pigeon (5 GC)

·         Captain (99 GC)

o   Hand weapon, dagger, bow, mail armour (15 GC)

·         Treasure Hunter (79 GC)

·         Kennel - +1 hound allowed in the warband (250 GC)

·         One hound to go in the kennel (9 GC)

TOTAL = 457 GC

(63 GC left in the vault)

End Game One

Base of Operations





Carrier Pigeon




Grimoire (Fast Act)

Potion of Toughness

Demon in a Bottle

63 GC


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