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Tuesday 15 December 2020

The greatest Ork in the galaxy's grandfather

The greatest Ork warlord, Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka, got a new model this year - I was so excited about it that I had to get hold of one of his old models off eBay and get some paint on it while I was waiting!

I've always loved this old model of Ghaz, but I converted my own version of the fiend of Armageddon many years ago so never had a need for him. But I couldn't resist getting him and his sidekick Makari. I decided to base them together on a single big base, to perhaps represent a bigger warboss but mostly because it looks cool. I used one of the 40k hero bases stuck onto a larger base to give him the height and because I thought it would be fitting for Ghaz to have dropped bombs with his name on to scare the populace - even more scary if they DON'T explode so that the poor people can read who is coming to get them! 

I used an old Black Orc shield as a standard for Makari, as I liked the idea of it being a nice grinning Ork face and it was the right sort of size. I got the model painted pretty quickly, keeping the colours simple (he is a Goff after all!) and using a lot of contrast paints. The marine on the base is an Ultramarine as one of my mates has been painting them up recently and I'm hoping one day we'll get to have a decent scrap.

During a recent game I used this model as a Waaagh! banner, which I thought was appropriate (I had my converted mega armoured warboss to lead the boyz). I figure once I have the big new Ghaz painted up then I'll be able to take some family photos of them all together, and can switch up how I use them in-game (I have two other Waaagh! banner bearers already so perhaps this Ghaz can be flexible in how he gets deployed - as long as he's smashing humies I don't think he'll be bovvered!)   

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