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Wednesday 2 December 2020

Faustus Hornraven's Frostgrave Diary - Game 2


Game Two

30th March 2019


Tom (Summoner)


The Worm Hunts


Game Two



Faustus Hornraven

Soothsayer, level 4


Rinswynd the Wizzard

Soothsayer apprentice

Soldier 1

Boris “The Bear” Vladistock

Captain, level 0

Soldier 2


Treasure Hunter

Soldier 3

Harhold the Hammer

Man-at-arms WOUNDED

Soldier 4

Leofric Ethandun

Infantryman WOUNDED

Soldier 5

Eadwyn of Culleigh


Soldier 6

Delsaran Greenleaf


Soldier 7

Bulvar Bulvarsson


Soldier 8

Snorri Ironwrath


Soldier 9

Orm Gundalsson





Stepping out into the cold city of Felstad once more from the warm comfort of the hearth in the Inn they had set up as a base of operations, Faustus and Rinswynd watched their newly-hired Captain, Boris “The Bear”, take control of their ragtag bunch of mercenaries. Faustus sincerely hoped that Boris was worth the exorbitant fee he had demanded. Sure, the man was huge muscled and his stories regarding how he slew a bear with his bare hands to get the pelt to make his hat and fur-lined tunic did seem believable. But Faustus couldn’t shake the thought that, if it had come down to a game of wits against the bear, the result may well have been reversed…

Still, with two of his crew recovering from injuries, Faustus was glad of the extra muscle. Boris had even brought along a hunting dog with him too, which was currently sniffing around for trails to follow. Having seen the grave injuries a well-trained hound could inflict, Faustus was glad the animal obeyed Boris without hesitation.   

Looking down at the scrawled map he was carrying, Faustus called to Boris to lead the crew away southwest through the ruins. He had heard of an area surrounding a ruined wizard’s tower not too far away that may have some rich magical pickings to be found. After a couple of hours walking through the city, the ruined remnants of a tower began to appear through the frozen mist.

Faustus drew on his magical energies and cast Reveal Secret, sensing the presence of some magical treasure close by that might otherwise have gone unnoticed. As he did this a gust of wind whipped the mist away, and Rinswynd called that he could see movement beyond the remains of the tower. A barbarous group of savages, half-dressed despite the cold, with what was undoubtably a Summoner leading them – the hanging fetishes and grisly trophies round her neck were unmistakable. Summoning magic was detestable to Faustus, little more than base blood magic requiring dark pacts to be made with evil spirits that only a madman would consider. Even Necromancers were more noble in his eyes. The only thing worse than a Summoner was a dirty stinking Witch. Summoners were unpredictable and bloodthirsty; Faustus resolved to acquire as many treasures from around the tower as possible before falling back to the Inn. He didn’t want to end up in a protracted fight with this lunatic.

The Summoner’s savages moved incredibly quickly. The opposing wizard tried to take magical control of Boris’ hound with Animal Companion, but the beast remained loyal to its master. Rinswynd failed to cast telekinesis to move some treasure closer to his fellows, but the light-fingered dwarf thieves managed to grab a couple of interesting-looking chests. Though a few arrows were loosed from each warband, no damage was caused on either side.

Following this, the enemy Summoner again began darting forwards. Faustus couldn’t help but laugh as he watched three members of the opposing warband try and fail to properly nock their arrows before sending them spinning wildly into the ruins. He was so distracted by the sight that he completely failed to cast the simple cantrip, Wizard Eye, stumbling through the words of the incantation that he should have been able to recite in his sleep.

Five treasures had been picked up by the opposing warbands, and just as hands were laid on the sixth an enormous multi-headed worm burst forth from the ground, swallowing the treasure and bellowing at the assembled warriors! 

Faustus and his crew gathered up their treasures and began to retreat from the battlefield. Again, his casting abilities were impaired, though this time the huge worm seemed the likely reason for babbling his words. Faustus was impressed by how cool Boris was under pressure as the huge man drew his bow and launched a perfect shot squarely into the Summoner’s Captain, knocking the man to his knees but not felling him entirely. Meanwhile, a barbaric-looking Templar from the enemy crew stepped up to the worm, dodged the gnashing jaws and swung his sword clean through the neck of the central head. The severed head flopped to the ground while the others screamed briefly before all dropping down along with the decapitated body. With one final twitch, the beast was dead. The brutally effective monster hunter just snorted at the sundered worm before turning on his heel and walking back towards his mistress.

With that, Faustus and his crew picked their way back through the ruins to their Inn so that they could sort through the treasures they had recovered.  

Later, Faustus received a carrier pigeon message from an informant to let him know that the Summoner had found a mysterious frozen hand in one of the treasure chests they recovered.


Game Two


Rinswynd the Wizzard

Full recovery



Game Two

Wizard Experience

Wizard spells cast


30 XP

Apprentice spells cast


0 XP

Treasures collected


200 XP

Casualties caused

None by wizard

0 XP



0 XP




230 XP

640 XP


Faustus gains two levels and is now at Level 6. He gets the following advancements:

5.     -1 to cast Mind Control

6.    -1 to cast Elemental Bolt


Game Two

Captain Experience

Took part in battle


10 XP

Finished with health


10 XP

Casualties caused

None by captain

0 XP




20 XP

20 XP


Boris remains Level 0.



Game Two


Regular chest #1


320 GC

Regular chest #2


20 GC

Regular chest #3


-       Fog

100 GC

Regular chest #4


-       Restore Life

80 GC



520 GC from treasure

-52 GC Captain’s share (10%)

+63 GC in the vault

531 GC total


Faustus chose to purchase the following upgrades with his gold crowns:

·         Crystal Ball (250 GC)

·         Hire Treasure Hunter to replace a Thief (79 GC)

TOTAL = 329 GC

(202 GC left in the vault)



End Game Two

Base of Operations



(Warband size increased to 11)


Crystal Ball

Carrier Pigeon


(+1 to cast Reveal Secret)

(-1 GP to hire soldiers)

(+1 hound permitted in warband)


Grimoire (Fast Act)

Grimoire (Fog)

Grimoire (Restore Life)

Potion of Toughness

Demon in a Bottle

202 GC



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