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Wednesday 2 December 2020

Faustus Hornraven's Frostgrave Diary - Game 3


Game Three

25th May 2019




The Silent Tower


Game Three



Faustus Hornraven

Soothsayer, level 6


Rinswynd the Wizzard

Soothsayer apprentice

Soldier 1

Boris “The Bear” Vladistock

Captain, level 0

Soldier 2


Treasure Hunter

Soldier 3

Johann Schmidt

Treasure Hunter

Soldier 4

Harhold the Hammer


Soldier 5

Leofric Ethandun


Soldier 6

Eadwyn of Culleigh


Soldier 7

Delsaran Greenleaf


Soldier 8

Snorri Ironwrath


Soldier 9

Orm Gundalsson





“I’ve seen this tower, one shining, unblemished beacon amongst the ruins” said Johann Schmidt, treasure hunter. “I can show you the way if you like… for a price.”

With that, Faustus Hornraven hired another Treasure Hunter to join his warband. If all his boasting turned out to be true, the treasures contained in the silent tower would make the cost of hiring Johann a worthwhile investment. Assuming they could get the treasure away without incident… who knew how many other spellcasters in Felstad had heard the same rumours? They would have to move quickly to get there first.

Johann’s directions proved true, with a remarkably untouched tower rising from the ruins appearing in front of the party. Boris had been scouting ahead with his faithful hound, and Faustus was surprised again at how nimble the big man was at picking his way through the ruins. He reported that their fears were well-founded and another wizard was approaching the tower from the far side. Faustus spread his soldiers out and stalked towards the tower resolutely. He wanted whatever magical knowledge was hidden in this place.

Spying some interesting looking items, both Faustus and Rinswynd tried to use Telekinesis to draw the items closer to the rest of the warband, but to no avail. Faustus could feel the null-field emanating from the tower – he knew that once he was close enough to the tower his magic would fail completely, but he was frustrated that it appeared to be impairing his abilities at this distance.

His frustration intensified when Delsaran Greenleaf, his normally reliable archer, was blinded by a vicious spell and started staggering around knocking into fallen blocks of masonry. Faustus’ attempt at a retort, Mind Control, failed. At this point, he decided that he should bite the bullet and climb the tower, eschewing the chance for further magicks so that he could direct his troops to the top of this non-magical edifice. Leaving Rinswynd at ground level with his missile troops, Faustus hiked up his robes and began climbing.

As Faustus ascended to the first level of the structure adjoining the mysterious tower, he saw Rinswynd cast an expert Mind Control, moulding the weak-willed mind of an opposing archer to obey him. A sense of pride filled the wizard at watching his apprentice. Not only was it an excellent display of magical prowess, tactically it was sound as the puppet-like archer was lined up perfectly to send an arrow flying into the back of the opposing wizard… 

Happy leaving Rinswynd to control the battle on the ground, Faustus continued climbing along with his two treasure hunters and Harhold the man-at-arms. As they crested the battlements, he could see two opposing fighters leaping to the top of the tower as well. Though he couldn’t bring his magical abilities to bear against them, the wizard gripped his staff in his gnarly hands and resolved to give them a damned good thrashing, just like the old days…

Johann the newly hired treasure hunter certainly proved that he had earned his place in the warband beyond bringing them to this tower by leaping into the fray and battering the enemy captain into submission before pushing him off the roof. With the captain fallen to the ground below and the other enemy soldier defeated, the top of the tower most definitely belonged to Fautus and his crew. They picked up the glittering treasure chest and began retracing their steps down towards ground level again.

With a final couple of spells (Wizard Eye and Fleet Foot), Faustus and his warband departed for home carrying the glittering treasure chest from the top of the tower as well as all but one of the other prizes that they had seen littering the ruins. A successful day all round and a good investment in that treasure hunter, Faustus mused to himself. Even if Boris was felled with a lucky shot – the big man would walk it off.  


Game Three


Boris “The Bear”

Full recovery



Game Three

Wizard Experience

Wizard spells cast


0 XP

Apprentice spells cast


30 XP

Treasures collected


200 XP

Casualties caused

None by wizard

0 XP


Wizard on the Tower

50 XP




280 XP

920 XP


Faustus gains three levels and is now at Level 9. He gets the following advancements:

7.    -1 to cast Mind Control

8.    Learn spell Forget Spell

9.    Learn spell Fast Act


Game Three

Captain Experience

Took part in battle


10 XP

Finished with health


0 XP

Casualties caused

None by captain

0 XP




10 XP

30 XP


Boris remains Level 0.



Game Three


Regular chest #1

Magic Item:

-       Banner of Courage

20 GC

Regular chest #2


-       Wall

100 GC

Regular chest #3


-       Heal (SELL)

60 GC

Special chest #1

(3 rolls on the table)


-       Elemental Bolt (SELL)

Magic Item:

-       Ring of Slow Fall

60 GC


60 GC


100 GC



400 GC from treasure

500 GC from sale of Grimoires

-90 GC Captain’s share (10%)

+202 GC in the vault

1,012 GC total



Faustus chose to purchase the following with his gold crowns:

·         Grimoire of Forget Spell (500 GC)

·         Staff of Power [3] (500 GC)

TOTAL = 1,000 GC

(12 GC left in the vault)



End Game Three

Base of Operations



(Warband size increased to 11)


Crystal Ball

Carrier Pigeon


(+1 to cast Reveal Secret)

(-1 GP to hire soldiers)

(+1 hound permitted in warband)


Grimoire (Fog)

Grimoire (Restore Life)

Grimoire (Wall)

Potion of Toughness

Demon in a Bottle

12 GC

Banner of Courage

Ring of Slow Fall

Staff of Power [3]


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