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Road to Apocalypse 2022

Road to Apocalypse 2022

Preparing for my first Apocalypse game 

An all-day game on New Years Day - in at the deep end!

Preparing a smaller list of just walkers for the next practice game

The Dread Mob takes on a force of Space Marines and a very large tank

Practicing the mission that we plan to use at the Final Battle. Our second large multiplayer game

Some thoughts on the Meat Grinder mission and Apocalypse games in general

As Midhurst approaches, finalising the 150 PL list I'll be using and getting paint on all the models

A final practice game, my Goffs take on a force of Crimson Fists, Space Wolves and Imperial Knights in a randomly generated mission

The Battle for Midhurstian Prime! What it's all been leading to! 

Some more thoughts on Apocalypse and planning for future models to build and games to play!

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