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Thursday 13 January 2022

Road to Apocalypse: 3. Dread Mob

Road to Apocalypse: 3. Dread Mob 

👈Part 2: ApORKalypse

👉Part 4: Junkyard Brawl

Classic! I would love to have one of these bad boys!

Our initial practice Apocalypse game (the ApORKalypse) had gone well from a 'learning the game and having fun' perspective, and from a 'stomping lots of Space Marines into the dirt' point of view. But, in terms of the Orks getting points and focusing on the objectives... not so well really. Typical Greenskins!! 😁 

We've got a month until the big game at the Midhurst, so we're looking to get some more practice games in so that we're more familiar with the rules. Combined with a reduction in the total PL per side, we should (fingers crossed!) be more successful in completing the game, as we only managed 3 turns the other day. 

I think there's one other 2 v 2 Apocalypse game going on at the club (Black Hole Wargamers) on Saturday morning, and I'm going to take on Tris and his Imperial force. I'm not sure exactly what he's bringing, other than he said that he would have a Hellhammer Super Heavy Tank, so he asked me to bring a Stompa... I was more than happy to oblige! In fact, I decided to do the entire 100 PL (like I said, just a very small game) as a Dread Mob - so a single Big Mek with Kustom Force Field (to ride in the Stompa), with as many other stompy things of various sizes as I could fit into the points limit. 

My narrative for the game is going to centre on the fact that Gulskrag and his ladz made it to the chopper in time (OK, spaceship) and escaped off-world before the nasty Space Marines blew the planet to pieces. They've landed on another planet, and while Gulskrag has led the boyz out to find a bit of a scrap, he's left Buzzmek behind to give the 'eavy armour a bit of a tune-up. Then, whatever Tris has got rolls into view and there's killin' to be done. 

Something like that anyway! 

So I'll have to look at the book before Saturday and find a good mission for that. Might mean that the Orks are defending again, which is sort of weird unless the planetary defence forces catch them unawares while Buzzmek is mekking away... or maybe he manages to sally forth from his junkyard with all the walkers that are functional and attacks the enemy that he's seen through his spying scope. Something will work.

Anyway, I think this is a pretty cool little force, should be really fun having one of each type of (non-Forgeworld) walker in there! 

+++ Da Mekyard Clankers (Warhammer 40,000: Apocalypse) [100 PL] +++
++ Spearhead Detachment (Orks) ++

+ HQ +

Buzzmek - Big Mek: Kustom Force Field. WARMASTER.

+ Heavy Support +

Orktimus Prime - Deff Dread: 2x Kustom Mega-Blasta, 2x Dread Klaws

Grimgob Irontoof - Deff Dread: 2x Big Shoota, 2x Dread Klaws

Grod Stompas - 3 Killa Kans: 2x Grotzooka, 1x Rokkit Launcha

Stompzilla - Gorkanaut

Buzzmek's Ruzzbot - Morkanaut: Kustom Force Field

++ Super-heavy Auxiliary Detachment (Orks) ++

+ Lord of War +

Da Great Green Gitkilla - Stompa: Commander

👉Part 4: Junkyard Brawl

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