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Tuesday 11 January 2022

Road to Apocalypse: 1. The Mustering

Road to Apocalypse: 1. The Mustering

Down at Black Hole Wargamers, we're  preparing for the Midhurst Modelling Exhibition on Sunday 13th February, something we've been going to regularly for quite a few years. We've found in the past that the crowd is a bit more train- and Meccano-oriented, not so interested in rolling dice on the battlefields of the 41st Millennium, so instead of trying participation games we're doing a showcase of Warhammer 40,000 Apocalypse. (There had been more success with smaller bespoke games in the past, but we're not really in a position to do that this year). 

I've been keen to give Apocalypse a go for a long time. I bought the box when it came out (during the previous edition of 40k), but not had a chance to use it yet. It would be a good opportunity to get out my Stompa and other big machines of Orky destruction, and we figured there were enough Ork and Space Marine players to get a proper good rumble going (and stomp some humies!).

We had the opportunity to book the hall for an extra-long session on New Year's Day (we would have been doing the morning as normal on that day anyway), and so decided to run a game of Apocalypse as a bit of a practice run ahead of Midhurst. We had four Marine players signed up, to fight against three Ork hordes and a Chaos warband (it seemed that perhaps the Chaos boys had been stoking up trouble for the Imperium, and the Orks would always be up for a good scrap!). We knew the Chaos warlord was going to have to leave at lunchtime, as was one of the Marine players, so that would balance out pretty much. 

We were at something like 600/620 PL per side in total - a pretty huge total for a game of Apocalypse (higher than the suggested limits in the book!). One of the lessons of the game was that we should lower the total PL a bit for Midhurst, as that was a bit much for a single day... 

I had planned to take a force of mostly vehicles, dreads, kans, 'naughts and a Stompa - lots of big stompy stuff! As it turned out, one of the Ork players dropped out ahead of the game, so we split the additional PL between the other two Ork forces and I spent the day before adding in a load of infantry and other bits, increasing from about 160 to 260 PL. 80 Ork Boyz and 60 Gretchin added quite a lot to the amount of stuff that needed to be taken down, filling up the wife's car! 

This is the list I ended up with. The plan for Midhust (as it is a modelling exhibition) is to ensure that all the models are painted. My smaller list was pretty much all painted, but this one wasn't. As we'll be dropping the points anyway, I won't be taking so much to Midhurst, but there are a few notable pits I'd like to get painted up over the next month in preparation for the game - it's a good incentive! 

My trusty old Warboss conversion would be the Warmaster for the combined force. He was essentially my take on Ghazghkull (before the old metal Ghaz in Mega armour came out), but he quickly became my own warboss, Gulskrag Thraka - Ghazghkull's cousin or brother or something, depending on whether he remembers his story when someone asks! I think he was present on Armageddon and likes to tell Da Boyz he has some connection to Ghazghkull to help keep them in line... He leads a big battalion of Goff boyz and Meganobz, supported by a Gorkanaut and a Morkanaut. His battlewagon was an old conversion of mine, based on a land raider. It needs some modifications though - I was building it in the era of Gorkamorka where the rule was that you could fit as many boyz in the transport as could physically stand on the model, so I super-sized the land raider a bit to allow 20 boyz to actually fit. The newer battlewagon model clearly isn't really big enough for that, and I've since learned about the scale of vehicles in 40k, so I think I'll cut it down a bit and finish it off... It also has some weapon options that are no longer permitted. 

Anyway. other than that I had another battalion with a dread mob in it, some heavy support in terms of big guns, Snikrot and his Red Skull Kommandos (because I painted them for Kill Team), two planes and of course, the Stompa. It's a fun lot of stuff covering most of the bases, though far from everything I have for my Orks. One day they will all be painted... one day! 

+++ Goff Orks (Warhammer 40,000: Apocalypse) [257 PL] +++

++ Battalion Detachment (Orks) ++

+ HQ +
Gulskrag Thraka - Warboss: Warmaster
Da Amayzin' Bozgit - Weirdboy

+ Troops +
Dagratz Ladz - 30 Slugga Boyz: 3x Big Shoota
Skarfist's Choppaz - 30 Slugga Boyz: 1x Big Shoota, 1x Rokkit Launcha
Snotty Grotz - 30 Gretchin

+ Elites +
Gulskrag's Tuffgitz - 9 Meganobz
Makari da Magnificent - Nob with WAAAGH! Banner

+ Heavy Support +
Gulskrag's Wagon - Battlewagon: 4x Big Shoota, Zzap Gun
Stompzilla - Gorkanaut
Buzzmek's Ruzzbot - Morkanaut

++ Battalion Detachment (Orks) ++

+ HQ +
Buzzmek - Big Mek: Mega Armour, Kustom Force Field: Warlord
Grukk - Warboss

+ Troops +
Hedbasha's Boyz - 10 Slugga Boyz
Grimdakka's Shootas - 30 Shoota Boyz, 1x Big Shoota
Grotty Snotz - 30 Gretchin

+ Heavy Support +
Deff Dreads
Attak Trampla / Skorcha Torcha (AT/ST) - Deff Dread: 2x Skorcha, 2x Dread Klaws
Grimgob Irontoof - Deff Dread: 2x Big Shoota, 2x Dread Klaws
Gitslasha - Deff Dread: 2x Dread Saw, 2x Dread Klaws
Orktimus Prime - Deff Dread: 2x Kustom Mega-Blasta, 2x Dread Klaws

Grod Stompas - 6 Killa Kans: 3x Grotzooka, 3x Rokkit Launcha

++ Super-heavy Auxiliary Detachment (Orks) ++

+ Lord of War +
Da Great Green Gitkilla - Stompa

++ Spearhead Detachment (Orks) ++

+ HQ +
Deddeye Dregmek - Big Mek: Shokk Attack Gun: Warlord

+ Heavy Support + 
Big Guns - 2 x Kannon
Mek Guns - Smasha Gun, Bubblechukka, Traktor Kannon
Gunwagon - 4x Big Shoota, Kannon

++ Vanguard Detachment (Orks) ++

+ HQ +
Boss Snikrot: Warlord

+ Elites +
Red Skullz Alfa Skwad - 5 Kommandos
Red Skullz Beeta Skwad - 5 Kommandos
Red Skullz Delta Skwad - 5 Kommandos

++ Air Wing Detachment (Orks) ++

+ Flyer +
Baron von Blueback - Burna-Bommer: Skorcha Missiles, Commander
Da Hurrykane - Dakkajet

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