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Wednesday 22 September 2021

Nerdy Gamers D&D Adventure Progress

The group have been playing through the Lost Mine of Phandelver adventure from the D&D Starter Set, with a few extra little bits thrown in by me (particularly at the beginning to ease them into the game and see how well it worked playing on a videocall).

This table charts their progress so far over the last several months - there are a few sessions to go until they reach the goal of Wave Echo Cave and complete the current adventure. I have some plans for extending the characters' story beyond 5th level, but I think we'll have a bit of a D&D break after the current adventure wraps up - it's been quite intense doing sessions so often and preparing the settings and models, then writing up all the sessions afterwards. But it's been great to see the narrative and characters develop.  

The Party

A few of the players were new to D&D while some had played before, so I helped with creating some of the characters. And, as we have been playing remotely, I supplied the models for everyone to use - most of them I had already but a couple were new additions to suit the character choices. 


An elf ranger, skilled with a bow, from a clan of dragon hunters who were all but wiped out many years ago. Wise but possessing a wrathful temper when provoked, Barendil is accompanied by a falcon named Perry who acts as his eyes and ears from the sky. 

Kisandra Starlight

A half-elf sorceress and her pet pseudodragon, Aster. She was an orphan, raised by the scholarly old wizard Bran Hornraven who accompanied the party on their first quest from Chestnut Hollow. 

Buck Norris

Affable and fond of an ale or three, Friar Buck is a human cleric dedicated to Kord who, after finding his faith lacking, has found new purpose within this group. 

Guillerme Don d'Lyonne

Coming from a posh family where he was the unloved son, Guillerme likely took the paladin's path to try and prove something to his father. He longs for the day when he can return home, triumphant, to a hero's welcome. 

Nobby Nobbs

The original Nobby Nobbs model, before his upgrade!

Nobby Nobbs was a watchman in the city of Ankh Morpork on the Discworld, a flat world sitting on the back of four elephants who themselves stand on top of a giant star turtle... If his smell doesn't drive you away, his fanciful tales about where he came from and how he fell through a portal in a library to arrive on the Sword Coast likely will. Persevering through these rambling fever dreams would likely lead to Nobby proudly showing off his certificate that 'proves' he is human. How a rogue with his predilection for thieving ever came to be a watchman in any city, no matter what animals it is built on top of, remains a mystery. 

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