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Tuesday 28 September 2021

Our D&D Characters

Heather and I have been playing D&D for a few years now, and have a number of characters between us that we have used in a few different campaigns. The nice thing is having these characters 'on ice' with the ability to return to them one day - I would like to actually get some of these characters up to some seriously high levels to see what they can do! 

Heather tends to stick with female characters while I tend to stick with the blokes. She also tends to prefer the intelligent, diplomatic type characters. I tend to enjoy straightforward characters who can smash things. Each to their own! It does mean that my character tends to take something of a protective role towards hers, which is nice isn't it?  

War of The Demons

Our first adventure into D&D was run by Josh, following a story of his own devising where we discovered a nefarious plot by followers of the Demogorgon who were stockpiling weapons in anticipation of a war with the cultists of the Demon Prince Orcus. That war could spell devastation for any innocents caught in the crossfire, so we were attempting to disrupt the plans of all involved and bring some sort of order back to the region.

The action started in the town of Yorstock Point and moved on to the larger city of Ullarfast, where we joined the Fighters Guild and were trying to increase our status so that the city rulers would actually heed our warnings and do something about the imminent danger.  

We began this adventure in 4th Edition and converted up to 5th later on after I ran a taster session for the group using pre-generated characters. I made sure the taster session fit in to the campaign setting, focusing back on Yorstock Point and writing a single session that got some new characters looking at problems that were left behind when the main characters (and story focus) had moved on to Ullarfast. There was a tavern that had been attacked by Gnolls, so the warriors were recruited to investigate. It went really well and everyone agreed the simplicity of 5th was going to make things a bit easier and allow the story to flow, so we switched over at that point. 

Our characters were up to Level 6 in this campaign when it was put on pause, but there is a lot more to the story so we live in hope that we'll return here one day and put these warring cultists down! 


Race:  Half Orc
Class:  Fighter (Champion)
Favourite Weapon:  Lucille, a Giant Slayer Battleaxe

Gnashrakk was born in a small, unnamed village in the hills near the town of Beregost in the Sword Coast region of northwest Faerun. Shunned by humans and rejected as too weak by orcs, as soon as he was able he wandered into the wilds to find himself and make his mark, perhaps one day to find acceptance of his half-orc ancestry. 

Since leaving his home, Gnashrakk worked for a number of mercenary companies seeking his fortune, including the Bloodaxe Mercenary Company, Red Shields, Blacktalons and even a brief stint in the Flaming Fist when visiting the great city of Baldur's Gate. His great strength and resilience were bolstered by solid tactical instincts that belied his rudimentary orc-like intelligence, making him an asset to any company he joined. Gnashrakk can still find old comrades within mercenary companies he used to work for that remember his exploits well, or fit himself in with most soldiers well enough. But he never stayed in one company for long, finding that something was still lacking. They respected his strength to get a job done, but was he really accepted as one of them?

Gnashrakk has no time for blindly following orders, rejecting the authorities who have never accepted him. Coupled with his tremendous rage that can come bursting forth in violent eruptions, he has an extremely strong sense of loyalty to his companions that he deems friends and a soft spot for protecting the weak. Just don't get on his bad side, or you might find an axe head lodged in your skull! 



Race:  Gnome
Class:  Cleric, Domain of Life

Hollysaadie grew up working in the hospital wing of a great a beautiful Pelorian church, with high windows letting the radiant sunshine in to bathe the worshipers, the sick and the needy in Pelor's light. Dedicating herself to soothing the afflictions of others, Hollysaadie was a happy and well respected member of Pelor's Church.

However, over time, she became distressed by the number of people that seemed to need to come seeking the assistance of the nurses and clerics of the church. Why was there so much suffering? She resolved to venture out of the church and to try to bring Pelor's light to the dark corners of the world, to prevent rather than cure the ailments of society. Being a small gnome did nothing to prevent her bravery and dedication in this venture, and most larger individuals who come to meet her are often surprised by her tenacity and innate stubbornness in combating injustices and the forces of darkness.

Having lived for so long within a temple, Hollysaadie could be considered naive at times, and occasionally gets into trouble for being too trusting. However, her earnestness and friendly nature means she has no difficulty in making firm and trusted friends who will do everything in their power to help her and keep her safe. Her friendship with the half-orc Gnashrakk has developed, with her seeing past his gruff exterior to realise there is light and goodness within him which will serve Pelor and the common people well.

And she has a cat. 

Further Adventures in Ullarfast

Justin, who was playing another Half Orc in the War of the Demons campaign (but a Half Orc Rogue, of all things!) wanted to have a go at running some sessions himself. As the previous single session I had run fitted in nicely, we decided that if we created some new characters for this then we could treat it as other bands of warriors doing jobs for the Fighter's Guild - and perhaps have the option of switching out our main characters for some of the ones from this party, if we wanted to. 

We did a few sessions with these characters and were up to level 3. Again, it would be nice to come back to these characters in the future. These sessions were more self-contained adventures, without the overarching plot of the main campaign, but made a good diversion from that big story (as well as giving Josh a chance to play a character as opposed to always being the Dungeon Master - which can get tiring). 

Caelynn Liadon

Race:  Wood Elf
Class:  Ranger (Beast Master)
Animal Companion:  Woo the Giant Owl

Caelynn Liadon (Silverfrond) hails from verdant and beautiful forests filled with the silvered ferns from which her clan name comes from. She spent her life protecting the wilderness and looking after her clan, hunting down those who would despoil the forest. After tracking and slaying a group of reckless trappers who had been wantonly killing the forest wildlife to produce fur coats for the rich nobles of Ullarfast, Caelynn was captured by the city guard and sent to a labour camp for what was perceived as her crimes. She doesn't recognise the validity of the charges, for as far as she is concerned she was following the strict letter of the law of her own people in the forest and she cares nothing for the petty laws of short-lived humans in their grubby, overcrowded 'civilised' cities.  

Faustus Hornraven

Race:  Human
Class:  Wizard (School of Evocation)

Faustus spent his life in the pursuit of knowledge, buried in books and learning all he could about the mysteries of magic. Until one day when a rabble descended on the library, tearing pages from the precious books and chasing away the attendants. Cowering in the stacks, he realised that practical application was the only way to truly understand magical power, and would be the only way to protect the other citizens of the city from misfortune. 

Intelligent and affable, if a little lacking in social graces after the many years poring through dusty tomes, he decided to take up arms and venture into the world, to write his own story and learn all he could about how magic really works. 

After a brief stint working for the town guard in the town of Yorstock Point, Faustus decided that the best chance of learning more about the strange occurrences plaguing the land are to be had by following the action to Ullarfast. Unfortunately, owing to a lack of familiarity with local custom and a terrible deficiency in politeness, a disagreement with a guard at the gate led to him being arrested for a crime he didn't commit and sent to a labour camp. He reflected that this was not his plan coming together. 

Nerdy Gamers Adventures
The Lost Mine of Phandelver

During the Coronavirus lockdown, myself and a few friends started playing games online. We used Tabletopia to play some of our favourite board games, which worked really well, and we also tried playing a couple of games like Blackstone Fortress via Skype - I had the board set up, everyone else said what they wanted to do with their characters and rolled their dice, and I moved the pieces around the board. That worked pretty well. Then it hit me (after far too long) that we could obviously do D&D online - there were a couple of guys in that group who had never played before but were keen to try it out. I did look into using Roll20 or something, but it just didn't quite feel right. So I decided to run it in the same way as the board games - everyone else would have their character sheets and dice, I would sort out all the models and set up the scenarios, and we would do it over Skype. 

My plan was to run the introductory adventure 'The Lost Mine of Phandelver', but to check that it was going to work (and that everyone wanted to continue!), I wrote an introductory scenario as a first session. That went down really well, so we rolled that on into the campaign itself. I helped to create some of the characters - in fact, I got Heather to use a slightly modified version of Faustus Hornraven (renamed 'Bran' and made slightly less socially inept) for that first session just to check she was happy with playing in this way before going to the effort of painting and developing a proper character for her! It all worked out really well and she loved it, so we swapped Bran for his adopted daughter, Kisandra. And then she demanded a pet Pseudodragon so I worked that into the story later on...

I was hoping that running the pre-written adventure would reduce my workload as DM significantly, but it didn't really. As we went through, I realised that this was more like the skeleton of an adventure, so there was a lot of meat I had to add to the bones. Still, it's been really good, going on every couple of weeks or so over video calls; we've got up to Session 22 and almost Level 5, and the party have almost completed the storyline. I plan to return to this party and this adventure at some point in the future, having seeded a bunch of plot points and story hooks to look into in the future. But I'll need a rest from DM'ing for a while once this adventure is done. 

I've been documenting the full adventure on here, starting with this post:

Stixdan's border patrol: Nerdy Gamers first D&D adventure

Kisandra Starlight

Aster the Bronze Pseudodragon

Race:  Half-Elf
Class:  Sorceress, Draconic Bloodline (Bronze Dragon)
Favourite Spell:  Witch Bolt
Least trusted party member: Nobby Nobbs


Kisandra Starlight had a fairly miserable childhood, having been abandoned by her parents as a baby. From what she has been able to piece together, the union of an elf and a human was frowned upon by one or other of the families involved, and so she was discreetly sent away to an orphanage. 

The orphanage was well appointed and she was not mistreated, but as she grew up she longed for a family to take her home. This became increasingly more difficult though, for as she began to grow so did her innate magical abilities. The young Kisandra would spark and shine with uncontrolled lightning magic when she was upset - something that made her difficult to adopt. However, the glow from her crib when she was happy delighted the women looking after her and led to her moniker of 'Starlight'.

One day, the scholarly wizard Bran Hornraven turned up at the orphanage after hearing of the magical child living there. He took Kisandra with him, raising her as daughter and student in the mystical arts. 

Kisandra wants to learn more about her own innate magical powers, and strives to gain the same control as Hornraven and her other tutors had displayed. They, of course, could see just how powerful she truly was - the evidence of draconic influence on her abilities was clear to them. 

In addition to exploring her magical abilities, Kisandra has always been curious about her family. Perhaps one day she will find the family that abandoned her and get some answers about why... or perhaps she will find her own family that will accept her for who she is. 

Adventuring Highlights

She took over the role of spellcaster and scholar in the party from her adoptive father, Bran Hornraven, who realised he really was too old for that shit and decided he'd rather return to his books and a nice glass of brandy. He remained available to help counsel his ward when needed. 

She saved a pseudodragon from evil Dragon Cultists in the ruined town of Thundertree, forming a quick bond with the little bronze dragon. 

Kisandra often surprises the rest of the party with the devastation that her spells can wreak, but out of combat she is quiet and thoughtful, often the diplomatic one in tense situations. Her demeanour brought her to the attentions of the Harpers, who recruited her through their vassal in Phandalin, Sister Garaele. Garaele and Kisandra have formed a strong friendship.

Her caring nature was displayed when she ensured that a necklace was returned to its rightful owner, a displaced widow from Thundertree. Though it had little monetary value (still more than enough to entice the more mercenary members of the party to try and sell it), the necklace held great sentimental significance for Mirna Dendrar and she was grateful for Kisandra taking the time to ensure its safe return despite the bigger issues that the party was trying to resolve in the region.  

As the adventurers began to explore through Wave Echo Cave, Kisandra displayed her intelligence by discerning that one of the 'friendly' dwarfs they encountered was really a doppelganger in disguise. This ensured the party didn't disclose any sensitive information to a minion of the evil Black Spider. 

A Journeyman's Tale
Exploring Birch Vale

My good friend Robert had played in the previous campaigns with Josh and Justin, a little off and on (bringing his righteous paladin in to help out whenever he could), and has been a staunch member of Kisandra's party as the Elf Ranger, Barendil. He had an idea for a little D&D adventure, optimised for 3 characters, so once we were able to meet again in person after the lockdowns, he has come round on a few evenings to play his adventure. 

For this one, we made three characters. Heather's main character is, unsurprisingly, the Halfling. Mine is Bori the Cleric. Grimnir the Barbarian was intended as more of a floater that we could control by agreement - in practice it tends to be me controlling the two dwarfs, but all Grimnir wants to do is hit things with his axe so he isn't all that complicated! 

This adventure is in a setting of Robert's devising, and we are playing Journeyman members of the Explorer's Guild, performing our final tests and tasks for full acceptance into the Guild. We started at Level 3, which was cool, and have been investigating the disappearance of some foresters from the town of Birch Vale. We then stumbled into a larger plot involving a Necromancer and some sort of underground temple, but have yet to unravel that thread. There's a lot of intrigue and deduction needed in this adventure, and it's a really fun experience just playing with the three of us. Robert is also running the same adventure in parallel with his daughter and son-in-law, Josh, who was DM for the Ware of the Demons adventure. We haven't traded many notes so far, but we do know from Robert that the other party have approached things quite differently, so it will be really interesting to find out how their adventure differs from ours once we complete it.

I've been writing up Bori's Journal from these sessions

Merla Goodberry

Race:  Lightfoot Halfling
Class:  Rogue (Scout)

When Bori Ironhelm and Grimnir Craghammer joined the Explorer's Guild as Journeymen, it was clear that the pair were inseparable. It was also clear that they required someone in their party who was adept at scouting terrain and could provide a more friendly face for their dealings with contacts and potential clients. Cue Merla Goodberry, an affable and friendly halfling with an instinctive talent for scouting and a close affinity with nature. The masters of the Guild decided she would be a good fit for the group and she has turned out to be a great asset to the trio.

Merla was born at Nettledown Farm in the halfling village of Sweetleaf Hollow where it became quickly apparent to her parents that she wasn't well suited to the occupation of a small town farmer. All her life, Merla looked away to the future, to the horizon. She was seeking something that she couldn't find in village life. It was agreed that she would leave and join the Explorers Guild, for as long as she successfully completed the Journeyman programme then her prospects of gainful employment were positive. 

As with most halflings, Merla has a natural tendency for stealth and an uncanny ability to hide. Combined with her nimble fingers, this would make her a natural thief, if her morals would allow it. She does have an eye for shiny objects, however, and often has to suppress the urge to take things that don't belong to her. She has turned her stealthy talents towards a more noble goal under the tutelage of the masters at the Explorer's Guild, becoming well versed in scouting techniques. Learning from senior rangers at the guild, she has even dedicated herself to Mielikki, Goddess of Nature, though she lacks the build and skills to be a fully fledged ranger. Merla relies on her wits and good humour to see her through most situations, but when it is called for she has a sharp eye and won't hesitate to loose off a few well-aimed arrows at her enemies.

Bori Ironhelm

Race:  Mountain Dwarf
Class:  Cleric (Forge Domain)

Bori respects the strength and wisdom of the forge, channeling the power of his ancestors through his fine metalwork. There is a satisfaction in producing a strong and simple-looking piece of armour or a weapon - something that elves, and sometimes humans, misunderstand. They spend too much time on ornamentation and frippery, forgetting the steel at the heart of the forging. Without the strong foundation, the fancy ornamentation is for nought. Bori has laboured to learn the artistry in forming beautiful arms and armour that are highly functional and have a deceptively simple form. Any ornamentation he adds serves more purpose than just self-indulgent preening. 

Bori is strong and wise after spending much time focused at his forge - a form of meditation for him, time when he can forget about events outside the forge and work in quiet contemplation. He seldom talks for long, being used to his own company. When he does speak, his deep tones are more kind than his exterior would imply. He cares deeply for his companions and seeks to protect them at all times. 

This is why he left the forge at Khazad Dwemer and headed onto the road with his cousin, Grimnir. Though he had disgraced their clan, Bori couldn't help but feel that he needed to help him reclaim his honour. They agreed that the best option to make their way in the world outside of the clan's hold was to enrol in the Journeyman programme with the Explorer's Guild. The two dwarfs were able to lie about their age to get enrolled - humans aren't good at estimating a dwarf's gender beneath their beards, so have little idea about their age. Though they are young by dwarf standards, their previous experience with the clan set them apart from their Journeyman peers. 

Out in the world, Bori has found that coin can be more easily acquired through fashioning jewellery for wealthy customers. Though it lacks the purity of the proper forge, he is an accomplished jeweller with an eye for geometric patterns that are pleasing to others. He already has contacts in the Guild of Artisans that will offer him employment at the completion of his Journeyman programme.   

Grimnir Craghammer

Race:  Mountain Dwarf
Class:  Barbarian

The best response to expect when asking Grimnir about his past is for the gruff dwarf to grunt in annoyance and continue quaffing his ale; at worst, particularly if he's had a few kegs or if you are stopping him from getting to the bar, he might hit you with one of his huge, stone-hard fists. 

A safer way to understand something about this strange-looking dwarf with the bright orange hair, stuck up with animal fat, is to talk to his cousin, Bori Ironhelm. Both dwarfs left their home in Khazad Dwemer some years ago and have joined the Journeyman programme of the Explorer's Guild in an attempt to make their way in the world outside of the dwarf hold. 

Grimnir himself did something that was considered unacceptable to the rest of the dwarf clan, though neither he nor Bori will say what it was. Needless to say, it was a severe stain to his honour, and so he took an oath to seek his doom to avoid losing his dwarf name entirely. Grimnir is a follower of Clangeddin, and as that dwarven god of battle said, "War is the finest hour of dwarvenkind". By exiling himself from the hold and seeking out the toughest monsters to battle, Grimnir hopes to one day either defeat an enemy so tough that he can return to his clan with his honour intact, or he will die in the attempt and have the bards sing songs of his epic doom.

Accompanied by his cousin Bori, who felt that he deserved a friendly companion in his doomseeking quest, Grimnir seeks the scariest monsters and deadliest foes. Bori's plan to enroll them into the Explorer's Guild turned out to be very sensible as it provided a legitimate way for the pair to earn coin to pay for the large quantities of ale that Grimnir drinks to  drown his sorrows, plus they often know where the worst beasts are to be found, giving Girmnir more opportunity to seek his doom in glorious combat. 

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