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Nerdy Gamers - D&D Session 21

05 September 2021

⏪ Previous - Session 20

The party

·         Kisandra Starlight –Half-Elf Sorceress (Heather)

·         Barendil Dawnwood – Elf Ranger (Robert)

·         Guillerme don d’Lyonne – Human Paladin (Martin)

·         Friar Buck Norris – Human Cleric (Silas)

·         Nobby Nobbs – Human (probably) Rogue (Tom)

The Beginning of the End

The party continued their journey to Wave Echo Cave, the final destination of their current adventure and, hopefully, the location where they would finally thwart the Black Spider’s plans and restore the Lost Mine of Phandelver to its former glory. According to Sildar, if the Rockseeker brothers were able to resume normal operations in the mine and unlock the riches of the Forge of Spells, it could have far-reaching effects in this region of the Sword Coast. Having already significantly cleaned up Phandalin and the surrounding area, including as far north as Thundertree, the adventurers had already performed a great service for the people of the region. Although evil could never be fully eradicated, they had already seen the effects of the safer roads and reduction in monsters preying on the innocent. Success in Wave Echo Cave should, if Sildar was correct, help cement the work these five companions had already begun. Already seen by some as local heroes, perhaps this motley crew would be recognised and lauded further afield should they prevail. If not, then they may end up adding their corpses to those already buried deep under the ground when the mine was attacked some five hundred years previously; for their names to languish in obscurity and their deeds be forgotten. Such is the way of the adventuring life.

The party's regional map, showing the
location of Wave Echo Cave -
their final destination

After defeating Delsin the hunter and his pet Hook Horror, the party continued to follow Gundren’s map towards Wave Echo Cave, stopping overnight for a peaceful rest under the stars. They woke the next morning and completed their journey, arriving at the marked location shortly before midday. It didn’t take long to find Gundren and Sildar, who were waiting near to the entrance that the Rockseeker brothers had tunnelled into the mine. The pair had not been far in front of the party, and as promised, had been patiently waiting and watching the secret entrance for any movement.

Sildar Halwinter and Gundren Rockseeker
await the adventurers at the Rockeekers'
secret entrance to Wave Echo Cave

“Well met!” called Barendil to the pair.

“Sildar, my man,” said Guillerme, trying his best to swagger, “hook me up with some of that sweet, sweet knowledge.”

“Have you been hit on the head particularly hard recently Guillerme?” queried the experienced warrior with a concerned look on his face.

“Yeah, quite often actually!” replied the paladin with a goofy grin.

“Thought so. Explains a lot…” said Sildar.

Trying to move the conversation forwards in a useful manner, Sildar explained that he and Gundren hadn’t been here for long – they left when they did as they weren’t sure when the party would return from Daran’s retrieval mission, but they’d only had about a 12-hour head start. They had remained outside the entrance as they weren’t confident descending in without backup; they didn’t know what they might find inside and both felt cautious given their recent kidnappings and imprisonment. Quite apart from the possibility of the Black Spider’s minions, Gundren was fully aware from his experience tunnelling into the mine that a number of dangerous beasties had made their home in the darkness since it was destroyed in the orc attack. So, they had kept a careful watch, and had seen nobody entering or exiting from this secret entrance.  

Kisandra nodded thoughtfully and relayed the tale of the party’s experience travelling to their present location. She asked if Gundren and Sildar had seen the hunter and his pet Hook Horror, but they had not; presumably he was hiding when they passed by. Guillerme remembered about the note they had discovered on his body. It clearly showed that the Black Spider was trying to stop the adventurers from meeting with their friends and entering the mine.

“Good,” mused Gundren, “means he’s scared.”

Neither Gundren nor Sildar had any more information to impart regarding the Black Spider. They didn’t know whether he was already here or not. The dwarf assured them that he had not divulged the location of this secret entrance when he was being tortured by King Grol and the Cragmaw Goblins. And, although other people (such as Brida Elmgrove) did know the general location of Wave Echo Cave, Gundren was confident that the Black Spider would not be able to get in through the main entrance – the side of a mountain had been brought down on it during the titanic battle 500 years previously, making it perilous to try and enter that way; hence this tunnel dug by himself and his brothers. However, there was always the possibility that this entrance could be found; he couldn’t rule that out. Either way, speed was of the essence. The Black Spider could already be inside or he could be on his way, so the key was for the party to enter the mine quickly, make their way through to the Forge of Spells with haste and secure it before the Black Spider could achieve his own nefarious objectives.

Kisandra asked Gundren if he had any advice for how they should enter the mine and achieve this. Other than watching their heads, he didn’t have any specific advice. What he did need to tell them, however, was the secret that he knew that would aid them in opening the Forge of Spells itself. As he had told them before, he and his brothers had each taken a small part of the information required to open the way to the Forge and kept it separate, for safekeeping in case one of them got captured.

He told the party that the mechanism to open the door to the Forge of Spells could only be revealed by the light of the moon, at midnight.

Nobby commented that using the light of the moon must be pretty difficult in a mine. Kisandra wondered if the mechanism was outside the mine, which Gundren assured her was not the case. Barendil began to question the dwarf on whether it had to be a full moon or if any moon would do, and asked him what time the moon would rise this night.

“Any moon should do,” replied the dwarf, “and as for moonrise, well, I’m no astrologer, how should I know?”

Barendil’s customary anger bubbled to the surface once more as he wasn’t getting the answer he wanted, so he demanded to know what time it got dark.

“Hardly see that it matters,” said Gundren calmly, “the important thing is MIDNIGHT, that’s the key, the light of the moon shining at midnight on to the door.” The rest of the party giggled at his response.  

It was currently just after midday, so the party had roughly twelve hours to get to the Forge of Spells and reveal the entrance if they wanted to ensure they secured it this night. Gundren didn’t know how far it would be to get to the Forge once they entered the mine – he and his brothers had not ventured far, particularly once they found out how infested with foul creatures the place was. They agreed that Gundren would leave to find some capable adventurers, not unlike his current companions, while Tharden and Nundro remained in their camp within the entrance to keep an eye on it. Even though they were dwarfs, they recognised that three miners were unlikely to be able to make it through the monsters and traps that may lie within, so they knew they needed help.

Barendil nodded, satisfied that the Rockseekers had pursued a wise course and pleased with their preparations. Guillerme asked if the dwarf miner had a map of the underground complex, which unfortunately he did not. Buck wanted to know if there were any other entrances. As far as Gundren was aware, this was the only practicable way in, given that the main entrance had been buried.

Sildar told the party that he and Gundren would remain outside the mine while the party entered, guarding their backs and scouting the main entrance to double check nothing had found its way in there. Given that they were unsure whether the Black Spider was within the mine or not, it seemed sensible for someone to remain outside to prevent the party being followed should he suddenly turn up.

Barendil nodded and asked, on a completely separate tack, whether Sildar had a spare rapier that he could swap for his magical longsword, Talon. Sildar looked slightly confused and patted the hilt of his own longsword, which the party had recovered for him from Cragmaw Castle, saying that he was happy with his own sword and wasn’t carrying a spare arsenal with him. Barendil asked everyone to keep an eye out for one, as he felt that he could more efficiently protect the party with a more delicate and precise weapon in hand than the cumbersome longsword. He then declared that a mine was no place for Perry, so he instructed his falcon friend to remain outside and assist Gundren and Sildar with keeping watch over the entrance. 

With that, the party began to walk towards the secret entrance to the Lost Mine of Phandelver. Gundren told them that it should be roughly 80 feet or so along the mineshaft before it opened out into a cavern where they made their camp, and his brothers should be keeping watch within.

“Oh, not too bothered about seeing your brothers yourself?” asked Nobby. “Want us to pass along any messages?”

Gundren told him just to make sure they were well. He was confident they would still be doing their duty. The three brothers were dedicated to their mission of reopening this mine; they had little time for sentiment. There would be time for celebration and merriment once they had successfully secured the mine and restored it to its former glory. He wished the adventurers good fortune and watched them stoop to enter the dark tunnel.

And They Call it a Mine! 

It was just as Gundren had said, the shaft ran gently down for about 80 feet before opening into a larger cavern. A pillar of rock supported the roof of this cavern, with a few stalagmites poking up out of the ground. To the west of the cavern stood a collection of crates and barrels, containing various supplies that would have kept the dwarf brothers fed while they waited, as well as a selection of tools and mining equipment. Two bedrolls were laid out on the ground, along with a couple of packs and a pair of boots that seemed discarded next to the little camp. There was sign of a struggle but no sign of either dwarf.

Ahead, Kisandra and Barendil, with their darkvision, could make out a pit where the cavern appeared to have collapsed down. It was some ten feet or so across and perhaps twenty feet deep, and there was a sturdy hemp rope dangling down into the pit, tied off on one of the stalagmites. It looked like there was a tunnel leading off to the northwest and to the southeast at the bottom of this pit. Barendil looked around at the ceiling for danger but could see nothing moving. 

Entering the Lost Mine of Phandelver

The abandoned camp of the Rockseeker brothers

Nobby pulled out his bullseye lantern and scanned his experienced eye over the campsite. He had seen plenty of crime scenes in his time, even created a few himself, so he was familiar with what he was looking at. The two bedrolls clearly made sense of the two dwarfs who had been camped here, though he thought that only one pair of boots being discarded was interesting. He agreed with Kisandra that they were worth a second glance. In terms of the scuffle, he could see that multiple big, heavy boots had been tramped around here, indicating, as far as he could tell, that the dwarfs had indeed been attacked and dragged off towards the pit in the northeast corner of the cavern.

The bootprints looked like large humanoid feet – not as large as an ogre or a giant, but something of human size or a little bigger perhaps. In terms of the discarded boots, Nobby picked them up and could feel them thrumming slightly so threw them to Kisandra so she could check them out properly. As far as Nobby could tell, these boots had belonged to one of the dwarfs. Perhaps he had been snatched before he could put them on, and his attackers hadn’t thought to look at them particularly closely.

Boots found discarded at the Rockseeker
brothers' abandoned campsite

Kisandra had a good, long look at the boots and closed her eyes to sense their power. She managed to divine that they were magical Boots of Striding and Springing, able to improve the speed of the wearer, even when encumbered. They would also increase the distance someone could jump whilst wearing them. Although Nobby looked at them greedily, Kisandra pointed out his shiny blue boots and held these ones close to her chest – she felt that she wanted some new footwear and, although they weren’t particularly stylish, they did look like they would be incredibly comfortable. The rest of the party agreed so she quickly tugged the boots onto her feet, where they immediately tightened snugly around her toes and ankles, feeling immediately snug and cosy. Being familiar with the feelings of magical attunement, she was aware that it would take a little time before she could make proper use of the enchanted properties of the boots, but at least for now she had some new comfortable footwear for traipsing around in the mine.  

Kisandra identifies the magical
properties of the boots

While Nobby and Kisandra were inspecting the campsite, Barendil had scampered down the hemp rope to the bottom of the pit, looking for tracks and a potential indication of which way the dwarfs may have been taken. Unfortunately, despite his best efforts, the ground immediately below the rope was a mess of tracks in all directions and, not far from there, the ground became hard rock that retained no tracks in either direction. There was nothing to indicate which direction was best, so Barendil remained at the bottom of the rope with his bow drawn, looking out for danger.

Nobby and Kisandra kept investigating the area around the campsite, finding nothing more other than a pair of incredibly dirty dwarf pants in one of the sleeping bags. Nobby was tempted by them, but then he remembered that he still had Guillerme’s silk pants in his pack, so he decided that he could afford to leave these dwarf ones behind. Kisandra called over to him in a tone of stern self-righteousness.

“Remember, Nobby, anything you find here should be kept, to be returned to the dwarfs when we find them,” she said, sounding like a stern schoolteacher. Apparently, she missed the irony that she was currently wearing the magical boots that belonged to one of the dwarf miners…  

Until You Spread Your Wings, You Have No Idea How Far You Can Fly

Nobby was wandering over towards the edge of the collapsed pit when Guillerme stopped him. The sight of the dirty dwarf pants had reminded the paladin about his own fancy underwear that Nobby had used to wrap the Breastplate of Tyr that that they returned to Daran – the rogue hadn’t returned those pants, and they were probably worth more money than Nobby’s entire ensemble!

He questioned where the pants were and asked they be returned when they were back in town. Nobby said that he kept them very close, they weren’t back in Phandalin. Guillerme had a sinking feeling in his stomach at the thought of what might have happened to them.

“You might want to find yourself a washerwoman,” laughed Nobby.

Cleansing by fire seemed more appropriate, given the circumstances.

Still laughing to himself, Nobby skipped over to the rope, jumping up and clicking his heels together as he turned to grin at Guillerme. He hopped backwards, waving at the distraught paladin as he began to fall down into the pit, reaching his other hand out to grab the rope and acrobatically descend to the ground. His smug look, however, quickly turned to panic as he realised that he had misjudged it entirely, and he fell flat on his back 20 feet below with a thud. Barendil shook his head in disapproval as all the air was forced from Nobby’s lungs. That was a painful fall, made even more painful by the embarrassment.

Guillerme ran to the edge and looked down at Nobby lying on the ground, illuminated by the bullseye lamp lying beside him, and decided to try and outdo the rogue. He was less flashy, but he abseiled down the rope without injury, looking down at his companion with a self-satisfied smile.

Above, Kisandra was rolling her eyes at their antics. She carefully and sensibly climbed down the rope, not feeling the need to impress anyone but also completely avoiding any chance of injury. Buck managed to resist temptation and followed Kisandra’s careful example. The whole party was now at the bottom of the pit, looking at the two potential directions they could go in and trying to decide which one to take.

They had so far spent around half an hour in the cavern, looking for clues as to what happened to Gundren’s brothers and now trying to decide whether to go right or left. They would have been debating east or west but, as they demonstrated at Cragmaw Castle, they often got confused about compass directions. Barendil felt they were taking far too long about it and so chose for them, heading towards the east and dragging Nobby along with him to stealthily scout ahead. Nobby covered his lantern and moved silently; Barendil led the way, less silently but still without giving their position away. The tunnel was wide enough that they could travel two abreast, so Nobby held onto the elf’s shoulder as his darkvision allowed him to lead the way.

Ahead, Barendil could see the tunnel open up into a large cavern, some thirty feet high, with a number of other tunnels intersecting with it. On the walls were simple reliefs carved with images of gnome and dwarf miners hard at work, while on the ground there were many skeletons in rusted scraps of armour. The ranger could make out skeletons of dwarfs, gnomes and humans, along with plenty of dead orcs. Clearly there had been a tremendous battle here. Large brass lanterns stood in niches on the walls, none of them lit. Looking up further at the sound of rustling from above, Barendil could see many small, dark, winged shapes clinging to the ceiling. He scuffed his boot on an old helmet, causing some movement from up above, but none of the creatures dropped down. The ranger felt uneasy looking at this swarm of creatures.

Nobby could feel the elf’s anxiety as his body tensed, but Barendil put a hand over the rogue’s mouth before he could say anything. Kisandra whispered a telepathic message, asking Barendil what he had found. He whispered back that he had seen these creatures, hanging like bats from the ceiling, and that he was concerned about them. They responded to the slightest noise, and he wasn’t sure how many there were. He said that they had plenty of options for what to do – there were other passages to try, they could attempt to sneak past these creatures. Or they could try to kill them.

Kisandra discussed with Guillerme and Buck. The cleric suggested another option, which was for him to cast Silence to allow them to get past the creatures without making a noise. After not hearing back from Kisandra for a while, Barendil was getting anxious. He favoured trying to get past these creatures to investigate this cavern more fully to the south, but in the end the party decided that discretion was the better part of valour, and they chose to go through the first passage north, keeping well away from the beasts that had concerned Barendil so much. Nobby looked at the bodies nearby to see if any had a rapier for Barendil, but none seemed to. Besides, these weapons had been sitting and rusting for the better part of 500 years, so weren’t in the best condition.  

Now that they had decided on a route to take, the time was approaching 12.45. 

Indecision Strikes

The party advance towards a door in the
rock wall of the mine

The party followed Barendil and Nobby up the small passageway to the north, seeing a dead end to their left as the passage continued to the north. Ahead and to their right, there was a door recessed into the stone wall. Barendil nudged Nobby forward to go and have a listen at it – he couldn’t hear anything. The door was heavy wood, bound with iron, but Nobby said he reckoned Mr. Barendil’s lovely big ears should be able to hear something. But, when he came over, he could also hear nothing. Not wanting to be left out, Guillerme and Buck also both scurried over, pressing their ears to the door and not hearing anything from the other side. The four of them were each trying to listen, arguing in hushed tones about what they should do next.

Kisandra shook her head at the lot of them, all crammed into the doorway, when she suddenly heard something. It was faint, but it was there, and it wasn’t coming from the door. She turned just in time to see a huge, amorphous, yellowish blob drop from the ceiling and approach her, tendrils of its mushy body reaching out towards her. She managed to fend off the reaching globules with her staff and call back to her arguing companions for help.

A huge, amorphous, yellowish blob drops
from the ceiling and attacks Kisandra

Nobby was the first to respond. He went to run forwards with his sword, but then figured it might not be so sensible to stick his blade into a big blob as he might never get it back again. Instead, he reached into a pouch and drew out a bottle of oil that he used to douse the blob. For once, he didn’t have a fag lit in his mouth, so he had no method of quick ignition, but the creature was covered in flammable oil now, as it was bearing down on Kisandra and trying to engulf her. Seemed safe enough, he figured.  

Guillerme then leapt forwards, slashing it wildly through the air. As the blade swept down onto the blob, it parted in the middle and separated into two wobbling blobs, each smaller than the original but looking no less deadly. The paladin looked round sheepishly and said he wasn’t sure if he had made things better or worse. But, really, he knew. He always knew the answer to that question. 

Guillerme 'helps' by slicing the big blob into
two smaller, yet still deadly-looking, blobs

Kisandra sighed. She wished Guillerme had been slightly more restrained and not rushed forwards, yet again. Now that she had a better look at the blobs, she realised that they had encountered an Ochre Jelly – a type of ooze that often acted as an ambush predator in underground environments. She called out to the others that they were immune to lightning and slashing damage, and that they could subdivide if hit by that sort of weapon, as ably demonstrated by Guillerme. The sorceress knew she could ignite the oil that Nobby had doused on the ooze, but she was so close that if one of them went up in flames then she might get caught in the blast. She therefore sensibly moved away, dodging the lunging yellow form that tried to grab her as she ran.

Not one for complication, Barendil fired an arrow at one of the smaller jellies. Much to everyone’s surprise, the arrow stuck fast into the creature and seemed to make it recoil slightly. It then slithered forward to attack Barendil, while the second jelly attacked Guillerme. The first jelly moved towards Barendil but the arrow stuck in it got caught on a rock, causing the monster to wobble in front of the elf, unable to reach him. The second oozed up and engulfed Guillerme’s arm, knocking him to the side painfully and then secreting digestive juices onto his armour that seeped through the joints and made his skin burn.

Buck heeded Kisandra’s advice and pulled out his heavy maul, swinging it over his head to crash down onto the jelly wobbling in front of Barendil. It hit the creature with a wet thud, causing bits of it to splash outwards before some of them reformed and returned to the main yellow mass. In return for his successful attack, Nobby rushed over with his tinderbox and threw sparks at the oil-covered ooze. It burst into flames as Nobby nimbly danced away, but he didn’t warn Buck what was going on, so the cleric had his eyebrows singed by the fire. The ooze itself was blackened and reduced in size, though still moving.

Guillerme was furious. He had lost his cool after realising it was his actions that had split the big ooze in half, so he went to punch it in the face. In what he thought was its face. Kisandra tried to call to him to suggest moving away (and avoiding a similar fire-related problem to the one Buck had just suffered when she lit the thing up), but he wouldn’t listen. He flailed his hands at the creature, more of a series of slaps than a punch, but he came away with bits of yellow jelly on his gauntlets and a satisfied look on his face.

Kisandra then shot it with a fire bolt.

She had warned Guillerme, but he hadn’t listened, so she cast the spell. The sorceress wasn’t going to feel guilty because the idiot paladin had no sense of self preservation. As the fire bolt hit the oil, the ooze ignited and Guillerme turned with a look of shook and indignation at Kisandra – perhaps if he had leaped backwards more effectively, he would have avoided the flames that licked at him, singeing his trousers.

Barendil shook his head at the human’s behaviour – he had been warned, after all – and shot another arrow that pierced straight through the jelly in front of Buck, causing it to burst outwards on the ground. Now that it was no more, Buck turned his attention to the flaming jelly in front of Guillerme, again smashing the heavy maul down and causing more bits to fly off the monster.

This looked like fun to Nobby. He didn’t want to stand back with his crossbow this time. And, although burning things was always fun, this ooze was already on fire, and he wanted to smash! So he drew his morning star and ran forwards, swinging it wildly in wide circles above his head as he went. For some reason, he decided to run through the little gap between Buck and Guillerme, rather than heading around their side, still swinging the morning star. Somehow, both of his companions managed to avoid the weapon, and Nobby managed to hit it down on the jelly and cause it to burst just like the other one. The grin on the little man’s face was enormous, he was absolutely chuffed with himself.   

The Hunger Gnaws

Barendil realised that the party had spent too long lingering in the corridor, so he quickly opened the door in front of them. The phrase “out of the frying pan, into the fire” came to him as he did so. Looking up at him were three ghouls, blue-grey horrors gnawing on bones in the middle of the room. It appeared to be some sort of barracks for the miners, with old stone bunks lining the walls and the remnants of tables, barrels and crates strewn about. The bones of some half a dozen or so dwarfs and orcs littered the floor, covered in scraps of armour, and it was these that the ghouls were noisily chewing on. The sudden appearance of fresh meat, however, drew their attention. 

Three Ghouls gnaw on bones in the
middle of an old miners' barracks

Surprised by the discovery of the undead cannibals, Barendil was struck momentarily immobile while he processed the situation. It was only Nobby who was quick to react, stepping through the door next to the elf he idolised and loosing a crossbow bolt that hit one of the fiends squarely in the chest. The monsters screeched and jumped over the intervening detritus, rushing towards the warm bodies in front of them with saliva dripping from their fanged maws. One of the monsters sunk its teeth into Barendil’s arm while the other two tried and failed to get their gore-encrusted claws round Nobby’s throat. Kisandra cast Fire Bolt, which burned away Nobby’s wooden bolt that was still sticking out of the ghoul’s chest, blistering and blackening the blue-grey skin underneath.

Barendil now launched himself into action, drawing the magical longsword, Talon, from its scabbard and sweeping it in a wide arc, drawing blood from the ghoul in front of him. It may not have been the rapier he desired, but the blade was incredibly sharp. Guillerme followed the ranger’s example, bringing his glaive to bear against the ghouls, but ensuring his own safety by using the length of the polearm to attack from behind Nobby and Barendil. Buck had no such compunction against getting up close and personal, striding forwards and cleaving one of the ghouls in twain with his magic axe, Hew

The party charge in to destroy the evil ghouls

Nobby dropped his crossbow and drew his rapier to attack the ghoul that remained between himself and Guillerme, managing to get a good hit on the monster but unable to sneak around to deliver the coup de grâce as Guillerme was standing too far away to provide an adequate distraction. The creature screeched in pain, and the screech was echoed by another from the corridor outside the room. All of a sudden, another ghoul came running around the corner, charging at Kisandra who was standing alone outside the room. She managed to fend off the slavering creature, but only just. Nobby was less fortunate as he was raked by the claws of the ghoul he hadn’t quite killed. The claws scratched into his skin, making him feel slightly woozy, but the years of mystery meats he had eaten courtesy of CMOT Dibbler had clearly done wonders for his constitution and he shook the effects off. Barendil was bitten once more by the ghoul in front of him, causing more blood to flow down his arm. Perhaps rushing into the room blindly wasn’t such a clever move…

Outside in the corridor, Kisandra decided to stand her ground against the ghoul and empowered her hand with lightning power to deliver a Shocking Grasp that caused the ghoul to gibber and shake as she grabbed it. Barendil heard the noise outside, aware that Kisandra was in danger but unable to help. He tried to swing his longsword at the ghoul in front of him but was too distracted and the blade missed the monster. As he did so, Guillerme stomped over next to the elf, a look of thunder on his face. He was muttering something about proving he wasn’t a coward, that he didn’t always hide away from enemies, he would prove his father wrong. Not even bothering to raise his glaive, he punched the ghoul right in the face, surprising the ghoul, Barendil, and everyone else who could see what was happening. Buck laughed in approval, he was all for punching evil in the face, but he also appreciated the sturdy axe in his hand. Using that axe, he rushed to the doorway to try and protect Kisandra.

“Unhand her, you fiend!” he yelled at the ghoul, which was still shaking from the electricity Kisandra had sent coursing through its body. It was unable to defend itself as Buck’s axe sliced into its wiry frame.

Nobby now found himself standing all alone in front of a ghoul, with no friends to help him. He felt like punching Guillerme in the face. Focusing all the rage he felt at this abandonment, Nobby furiously stabbed at the undead monster. The frenzied attack was more than the ghoul could bear and, as it crumpled to the floor, Nobby glared at Guillerme with anger, stabbing his rapier down one last time and releasing the most tremendous fart that the rest of the party had ever heard. He felt his point had been made.     

Yet another ghoul responded to the screeching of its fellows, running round from the other corridor towards the fray. Either it had further to travel, or it was put off by Nobby’s fart; either way, it hadn’t yet reached a target to attack. The ghoul in front of Buck and Kisandra, however, had a choice of targets. It continued trying to grab the half-elf sorceress, thinking her the tastier meal, but was unable to get its claws on her. Meanwhile, the taste of elf flesh was still proving agreeable to the final ghoul within the room. While Guillerme may have knocked a couple of teeth out with his punch, it was able to once again chomp down on Barendil, tearing yet more flesh from his arms. The elf ranger was not looking well.

Now that Buck was helping, Kisandra chose to disengage from the ghoul in front of her and blast it with a charged-up Magic Missile – her sorceress abilities allowing her to cast the spell in the blink of an eye. Four glowing darts spread out from her hands and smashed into the ghoul simultaneously, killing it outright. Buck exhaled, impressed by her display of arcane might.

Barendil was struggling to remain standing, so it was no wonder he was yet again unable to hit the ghoul in front of him. Fortunately, Guillerme was able to help him, slicing his glaive into the creature and infusing the strike with divine magic that allowed the blade to pass clean through the ghoul, dropping the two halves of the corpse to the ground with a squelch.   

Buck charged down the corridor to engage the ghoul he could see. Though his axe failed to connect, Nobby noticed the cleric running and decided there must have been a good reason for such a sudden turn of speed. The rogue popped his head out through the door, spied Buck trying to hit the monster, and loosed his crossbow at it. The bolt flew past Buck’s ear and hit the ghoul with a satisfying thud.

At this moment, the door at the far end of the storeroom was thrown open, and yet another ghoul came running towards the party. This one failed to hit Guillerme, but the adventurers were really starting to wonder how many of these monsters there could be lurking nearby? The ghoul in front of Buck was still recovering from Nobby’s crossbow shot, so was unable to get hold of the cleric to bite him. As it was struggling with Buck, a Fire Bolt from Kisandra burned through the air, missing both combatants.

“Die, foul beast!” wheezed Barendil, charging towards the ghoul attacking Guillerme as best as he could given his tremendous injuries.

Brave though this was, ultimately it was foolish. Barendil didn’t have the strength to lift his sword and he tripped over his own feet, landing hard just behind Guillerme. The paladin was clearly distracted by this, his own attempt at a blow missing the ghoul entirely.

It seemed that the ineptitude was catching, as Buck also failed to hit his foe. Fortunately for him, Nobby’s aim remained true, and he was feeling much more inclined to help his cleric friend rather than Guillerme at this time. He fired another crossbow bolt at the ghoul, which smacked straight into the previous bolt he had shot at it. With this added force behind it, both bolts punched straight through the ghoul’s chest and burst out of its back, causing fatal damage. It dropped to the ground, dead from the two crossbow bolts and Nobby’s expert marksmanship. The rogue wasn’t sure whether Mr. Barendil was going to be proud or annoyed when he told him about it later.

Two more ghouls appeared. The party collectively groaned – would this ever stop?! The only comfort they could glean from the situation was that there was less likelihood of encountering any more ghouls in the immediate vicinity if they had all ended up in and around this particular room.

Barendil was still on the ground, but somehow managed to just fend off the attacks of a ghoul. One of the new ghouls went after Kisandra, forcing her to use her Staff of Defence to raise a magical Shield to protect herself, while the other scratched at Buck but was unable to get past his newly forged dragonscale shield.

Deciding that fighting honourably had gotten him nowhere, Barendil chose to remain on the ground and take a leaf out of Nobby’s book, thrusting upwards with his sword into the ghoul’s exposed groin. He finally managed to do some damage to an enemy as his sword bit deep into the creature’s nether regions. Buoyed by this success, he used his elven grace to leap to his feet. He was then less than impressed when Guillerme started walking towards the door, mumbling something about finding an enemy to kill.

“What about this one in front of you?!” shouted the ranger. “What do you think I’ve been doing over here?”

Guillerme shook his head in surprise – he had been in his own little world apparently. Barendil began to think that he could understand Nobby’s obvious resentment towards the paladin that had been growing during this battle. Seemingly oblivious to what was going on around him in the party, Guillerme dutifully swung at the ghoul and cut a gash in its leg. He couldn’t be faulted for continuing to dismember the undead abominations.

Outside the room, Buck told Nobby to go after the other ghoul while he smashed his axe into the one in front of him. Nobby nodded and then grinned – he was happy to let Buck’s bravado take on that ghoul one-on-one, but the cleric hadn’t been specific enough about which ‘other’ ghoul Nobby should deal with. He chose to ignore the other one in the corridor and shoot the one Barendil and Guillerme were dealing with. More than that, he decided to show off his marksmanship skills by shooting a bolt right past Guillerme’s ear. It wasn’t his best shot, but it flew past the paladin and hit the ghoul, killing it. Nobby felt extremely smug.  

Well, he felt smug until another two ghouls came running into the fray. One charged straight at Guillerme, scratching and clawing at him furiously. The paladin had never had a mystery meat pie from CMOT Dibbler, so his constitution was not as well trained as Nobby’s. He felt the unnatural energy of the ghoul affecting him, freezing his limbs and holding him in place. He was paralysed!

Buck was also viciously clawed by a ghoul. He instantly reacted by releasing a wave of storm energy that killed his attacker, but the damage was already done. He also became paralysed, frozen in place just like Guillerme was. Kisandra managed to avoid the same fate by again using her staff to throw up a magical Shield. She then shot a Fire Bolt back at the creature, burning it slightly but not managing to kill it.

Within the room, Barendil moved to attack the ghoul that had just paralysed Guillerme and, as he did so, he ‘accidentally’ gave the frozen paladin a quick kick between the legs. If he hadn’t been paralysed, Guillerme would have yelped in pain. The elf ranger did ensure that he also thrust his sword at the ghoul, cutting into its side and therefore feeling that his little dig was justified.

Although Guillerme couldn’t move his body, his mind was still active. He was pretty upset that Barendil had chosen to repay his kindness in saving the elf by acting out like that… what were people like nowadays… honestly, if he were back home… yada yada yada, it went on and on. He had plenty of time to think, he was still paralysed.

Buck, meanwhile, shook off the effects of the paralysis and looked about to check there were no more ghouls in his immediate vicinity. Nobby fired his crossbow again, managing to get an excellent hit on one of the ghouls that pierced through its neck, but didn’t manage to stop it coming forwards. That ghoul and the other two remaining ones continued screeching, but there were no more answers echoing down the corridors – it seemed that the waves of ghouls had come to an end. For now, at least. None of the three remaining ghouls managed to hit their opponents; perhaps they were disheartened that most of their number were dead on the ground?

Kisandra fired a Magic Missile while Barendil continued slicing with his longsword. Two more ghouls were injured, though still moving. They needed to finish these last few monsters off! Buck was unable to hit his adversary, so it was down to Nobby once more. Nobby the Ghoulslayer. He lived up to his name by turning and shooting a bolt through the head of the ghoul that was attacking Kisandra, pinning it to the opposite wall of the corridor where it hung, limply.

A pained wail from down the corridor drew the attention of Kisandra and Nobby as Buck was clawed repeatedly, blood pouring from a number of wounds. He resisted the paralysing effects of the claws, but he was looking quite badly injured. He again reacted with storm energy that lashed out at the attacking ghoul. Kisandra followed up by hitting the ghoul again with another Fire Bolt, finally taking it down.

Yet again, Barendil failed to bring his longsword to bear, but Guillerme managed to finish off the ghoul that the pair were fighting against. The elf congratulated him wholeheartedly and apologised for his clumsiness earlier on. Guillerme seemed to accept the apology at face value, or else was too pleased with himself for finishing off the final ghoul that he wasn’t really paying attention.

All in all, the adventurers had dispatched ten ravenous ghouls – no mean feat. They had taken some serious injuries in return, but all were still standing and ready to proceed deeper into the mine, once they had healed their injuries a little. Nobby was particularly pleased with his marksmanship but even more happy with the 20 ghoul ears that he was able to collect from the corpses littering the ground.   

Wave upon wave of Ghouls assail the party until,
finally, the last of the monsters is defeated

So, What’s Next?

The adventurers stood among the dead. Ghouls that they had just killed and various skeletons of people that had died 500 years earlier. While Nobby ran around checking if he could find anything of value, the others reflected on the battle. The presence of the ghouls was interesting. Though they seemed to be cracking open these ancient bones to try and get some marrow out of them, they must have had some fresh meat to eat otherwise why would they be here? There wasn’t much in the way of sustenance on the dusty floor.

Nobby investigated the area, looking closely at the body that the ghouls had been eating when Barendil had rashly burst in through the door. He could see that it wasn’t a dusty skeleton, nor was it human. It appeared to be some sort of goblinoid; it was far too eaten to identify exactly what kind, but it was most likely a goblin or a hobgoblin. Much to his disappointment, it seemed that the ghouls had eaten the ears – good taste, he thought to himself. Rifling through the pockets of the creature’s torn jerkin, he found a crumpled page that looked like a page ripped from a journal. It had a familiar logo in the top left corner. 

A page ripped from a journal that
Nobby found on a Goblinoid body
that was being eaten by Ghouls

Guillerme used his Lay On Hands ability to heal himself and Barendil, though decided that he deserved a little more healing for himself after Barendil’s cheeky kick. The elf was probably lucky to get anything from him! Buck then cast Prayer of Healing, which made them all feel a little better. Buck decided to drink a healing potion as well, just to ensure he was in tip top condition. They felt more ready to venture further into the mine.

The time was now around 13.15, so they had around 10 hours and 45 minutes until the moon would be shining at midnight. They looked at the door leading out of the room towards the west, with Barendil ready and waiting by the door, eager to get on as quickly as possible.

The extent of the party's exploration of
Wave Echo Cave by the end of Session 21

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