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Tuesday 31 January 2023

Heresy Miniatures monsters - WIP pics

I took some new photos of my Mucklegeet the Giant from Heresy Miniatures (I dubbed him Magbragog Maneater to lead my Stomper Tribe of Sons of Behemat in Age of Sigmar) and as I was writing about it I was thinking about all the bits and pieces from Heresy Miniatures that I've painted up. I think Andy makes some great stuff - this is a selection of things from him that I've painted. Some of them need some better photos taken, and I have a bunch more that aren't finished yet, but this is a nice little selection. You should check his site out if you are after some fun and interesting fantasy or sci-fi models, good quality and well worth it! 

Heresy Miniatures: , The best miniatures that you never heard of!

These devil dogs are clearly inspired by a ghostly film series and I was busting to get them when I saw them... I have a load more demonic creatures from Andy that I was thinking of using as a Daemons of Khorne army, or just to throw at D&D players if they travel into another realm. I wanted to give these some elevation on the rocks to really make them stand out. 

I like this ogre, he's got a lot of character. I tend to prefer older style ogres like these ones - I've got several other Games Workshop ones so I can get quite a few on the table (or under the table as this guy is!). 

Big Boris is Andy's signature character. I have a couple of versions, but I got this one painted and on a scenic base to suit his stature. He's getting on for ogre-sized so could be used as a huge human or small(ish) ogre. I'm not sure, but he looks cool! 

These ghouls are excellent. These ones are metal, but he has madea  plastic set now, which might be a bit easier to assemble! I really like the freaky nature of them, they are very unpleasant (as ghouls should be!). I went for a pale blue skin tone to distinguish them from humans, as well as plenty of blood and gore. They were perfect for my D&D campaign where they presented a real challenge for the players. A group this size of unique models is perfect for that - I didn't need them all during that session,  so I've got enough to use again if they get attacked at higher levels. The models are so good they make me want to have more ghouls, but this is enough for now! 

The Dark Brethren Tunnel Guard are great cultists. I used them in D&D when the players first encountered some Dragon Cultists, so painted their robes a deep purple (which I thought looked pretty good next to their very pale skin - clearly culting around all day doesn't leave much time to go out into the sunshine). They are just really cool and I think will form the elite warriors of my cultists if I need to bolster their ranks any more... 

This guy is mysterious, which is great as he can be used as a hero or a villain! He's been my apprentice Wizzard Rynswynd in Frostgrave, and he was also the evil Iarno 'Glasstaff' Albrek. I like the heavy robes, the face covering and the huge hat - you can just see his eyes poking out from under there. Nice and easy to paint and very effective I thought.  

My first D&D character was using this Barbarian Warlord from Heresy. I used him as a Half-Orc Fighter, hence the green-grey skin tone. He is a beastly big guy, perfect for a Half-Orc I reckoned. I just added the shield to him. A really cool model. I got a more heavily armoured version for him to eventually level up into, but to be honest I would just want to continue adventuring with this guy, he's great!

Finally, for now, is this paladin. I wanted to paint him up in some different colours to what I would normally do, hence the bright trousers and yellow cloak. He then became perfect for one of my players to use as Guillerme don d'Lyonne (Guillerme the dandelion...). Just another really cool model really, great pose. I sometimes think I might have to get another one to paint up a bit differently, maybe one day...  

That's it for now, I've probably forgotten a few or not taken photos of them, but I strongly suggest checking out Andy's stuff at Heresy Miniatures. I'll be hoping to get more of his stuff painted up soon!   

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