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Sunday 11 April 2021

Bone rattling and chain rasping

Warhammer Underworlds

I got into the Warhammer Underworlds game with Shadespire when it first came out - the small warbands have some great models and I liked the idea of a quick game down at our games club - you can easily get two, sometimes three, games in during a Saturday morning. 

My plans to get all my warbands painted up have gone a bit awry, but the characterful nature of the models has meant that I had an extra incentive to get these two warbands painted up for Dungeons and Dragons as I reckoned they would be excellent enemies for my party of adventurers to fight against. 

So, here are my first two Underworlds warbands, and I hope to be getting some more painted up soon! 

Sepulchral Guard

I have quite a large collection of old-skool Undead models - predating the Vampire Count and Tomb King phases. Always liked the idea of having a decent, shambling horde of skeletons driven by some nasty vampires and necromancers. Nowadays, that looks like Deathrattle or Legions of Nagash in Age of Sigmar - and it looks like more vampires and skeletons are all on the way, with Cursed City etc. all coming out, so that's great news.

Anyway, skeletons are always a classic enemy in RPGs and my party needed to face some skeletons in Tresander Manor during the Lost Mine of Phandelver adventure. I only needed a few, and I wanted them to look special, so I made sure I got this lot all painted up (don't tell them, but I forced them to fight more skeletons than the book demanded just so I could use more of the models - shhhhhhhh!!) 

All done very quickly, almost exclusively with contrast paints, and I am really happy with the outcome. My current mantra is definitely all about getting things done to a good tabletop standard, not taking ages over every little detail, so these did the job for me. 

The Sepulchral Guard

Thorns of the Briar Queen

This warband came out in the Nighthaunt starter box for Underworlds. I wasn't as excited about these ones - I prefer my undead more skeleton-y and less ghostly - but I wanted the starter box so what are you going to do? And, actually, I ended up getting some other Nighthaunt models for AOS so they can be a nice little allied contingent for my undead horde... they were actually quite fun and easy to paint, especially with liberal application of Nighthaunt Gloom, what a great paint for doing ghosts! 

I particularly wanted to use the Briar Queen herself as a banshee (Agatha) that the party meets in the Lost Mine of Phandelver, and I decided to use that as a good excuse to get the whole warband painted up. As with the Sepulchral Guard, almost exclusively contrast paints and very quick. I spent a bit more time doing highlights on the Queen's ghostly skin, but other than that very easy with the Nighthaunt Gloom and a few other colours. These match nicely with the other AOS Nighthaunt I have painted so far, so should make a nice little force all together. 

Maybe the D&D players will have to contend with some ghosts at some point!

Thorns of the Briar Queen

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