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Tuesday 19 July 2022

For Honour, Duty and Death - Warhammer 40K Battle Report

For Honour, Duty and Death

Warhammer 40,000 Battle Report
16th July 2022
1,500 pts – Imperial Knights (Dan) vs. Chaos Knights (Tom H)
War Zone Nephilim: Secure Missing Artefacts

Tom had recently started collecting a Chaos Knight force, which he was looking at playing in a Crusade Campaign at the club (Black Hole Wargamers). I had played one Crusade game with my Knights (it didn't go so well... just two Questoris Knights at 50 PL is a bit tough, especially against the currently massively overpowered Tyranids!). I keep meaning to come back and complete this army but other things get in the way... I have some painting to finish off on these models, and a few more knights to assemble. I'll get them done one day, I love building these things! 

For this game, we agreed on a 1,500 point limit and planned to use the War Zone Nephilim book for a mission. I liked the sound of the changes to CP in that book, reining in the shenanigans that can go on. I think strategems in 40K are a bit of a double-edged sword - they can give some nice flavour to an army, but they do add a whole extra element to think about which slows the game down and can eclipse the tactical considerations on the table. Anyway, with the CPs reduced a bit from Turn 1 that should help reduce them being too powerful. 

The Nephilim book also removes the restriction of only taking a single faction-specific Secondary Objective – we both took advantage of this change by choosing 3 faction-specific objectives. I like this change as it feels good from a narrative point of view (I still think the narrative of a game is important in matched play games), and I don’t think the faction-specific ones are necessarily auto-includes for all armies / scenarios. They certainly felt right in this game though, pushing us towards honour or infernal notoriety and rewarding us for smiting the opposing war engines. Which was all good! 

I mustered my Knights, the noble Scions of House von Ulrich. They swear fealty to Forge World Metalica and the titans of the Legio Metalica (bonus points for spotting the references). I will be assembling an Adeptus Titanicus force from Metalica at some point, and plan to represent these Knights at that smaller scale as well. Anyway, here is my 1,500 pt list: 


Knights of House von Ulrich, The Harvesters of Sorrow


Questor Allegiance:

Questor Mechanicus



Fealty to the Cog (House Krast)



Defend the Realm
Refuse No Challenge




Dominus Pupulorum

Knight Warden (Warlord)

Warlord Trait: Blessed by the Sacristans (1CP)
Relic: Endless Fury (1CP)
Order of Companions (1CP)
Avenger Gatling Cannon (Endless Fury), Heavy Flamer, Meltagun, Stormspear Rocket Pod, Thunderstrike Gauntlet

Indago Perdo

Knight Errant

Thermal Cannon, Meltagun, Reaper Chainsword

Cupam Urceum

Armiger Helverin

2x Armiger Autocannon, Cognis Heavy Stubber

Wandering Freeblade Hero


Questor Allegiance:

Questor Imperialis


Martial Tradition:

Hunter of Beasts

Ferro Brutum

Knight Paladin – Freeblade

Rapid-Fire Battle Cannon, 2x Ironhail Heavy Stubber, Reaper Chainsword



1,490 pts
3 CP


Chaos Knights of the Infernal House Vextrix

Knight Desecrator, Knight Rampager, Knight Abominant and War Dog 


The two Knight forces faced off across the industrial wasteland. Deployment zones for this mission were defined by diagonal lines across the battlefield, so the distance between the forces wasn’t great – this suited the pilots of noble Imperial Knights and infernal Chaos machines alike, as they were equally eager to close ground and destroy their opponents in the glory of personal combat.  

One Chaos Knight, the Abominant, was held in reserve as it had the ability to materialise from the Warp later in the battle. This left the remaining Chaos forces outnumbered until its arrival, so they focused on the northern side of the battlefield and left the War Dog scouting the southern area on its own. The Imperial Knights were more evenly split, spreading themselves out in the hunt for the missing artefacts.  

This mission allows each player the opportunity to move two of the objective markers (missing artefacts) by 6” at the start of the battle, then select one to be the Precious Artefact that their opponents must protect at all costs. I chose Tom’s southern marker, which I had dragged towards my deployment zone and which was only vaguely contested by the War Dog. Tom chose my northern marker, which was right in front of my Warlord and Armiger, but which was in the sights of both of his large knights that were deployed from the start. My plan was to stomp forwards onto my own Precious Artefact, while charging full tilt towards his and thus preventing him gaining the bonus VPs for holding on to it… Essentially, I could see this becoming a real slugfest in the middle of the battlefield. And I was OK with that!

The towering knights face off across
a ruined industrial complex

Imperial Knights Turn 1

I won the roll off for first turn.

Indago Perdo ran forwards, the suit’s machine spirit eager to engage at close range as quickly as possible. The pilot managed to direct the war engine towards the Precious Artefact, securing it for the glory of the Omnissiah and standing in challenge to any that would try to take it. With all power diverted to the legs, there was no shooting from the Knight Errant this turn.

The Freeblade, Ferro Brutum, stood its ground next to the artefact in front of it, bracing its legs to fire the huge-bore rapid-firing battle cannon. The Knight Paladin fired off several shots at the War Dog that was near Indago Perdum, scoring several explosive hits against the smaller war engine. Cupam Urceum, the Armiger Helverin, joined its autocannons to the fusillade, smashing yet more shots into the War Dog. It was down to Dominus Pupulorum, the Knight Warden, to finish off the smaller Chaos Walker, exploding the machine to smithereens with its Stormspear Rockets. First blood to the Imperium!

Turning its attention to the larger Chaos war machines, Dominus Pupulorum strode forwards to secure the Precious Artefact in front of it and hosed the Knight Desecrator with a hail of shells from its avenger gatling cannon, Endless Fury. Many of the shots were turned away by the crackling ion shield, and many others were shrugged off by the infernal power of the daemon-infested machine, though a few found their mark and did some minor damage to the ancient and twisted armour.

First blood to the Imperial Knights as Indago Perdum 
rushes forwards to secure a precious artefact
in enemy territory

Chaos Knights Turn 1

With the Rampager floating somewhere in the Warp and the War Dog a smoking ruin, the Knight Desecrator and Abominant strode forward towards the Knight Warden, Dominus Pupulorum. The devastating laser destructor that the Desecrator was armed with failed to hit its target – presumably the infernal daemon within the war engine was too eager to get its dread claw on the Knight Warden that it was incapable of shooting straight. The Abominant didn’t move forwards as quickly, but was far more accurate with its shooting, blasting volkite energy that fizzled through Dominus Pupulorum’s ion shield and staggered the venerable machine.

Just as the knight was recovering from the shooting, the Desecrator charged into combat. The Knight Warden held its ground, firing everything at the charging brute, though to little effect. Swinging its talons in frenzied attacks, the Desecrator smashed into the Knight Warden again and again. The Chaos war engine stood back, like a wild animal panting, expecting to see the smoking wreckage of its enemy lying, stricken on the ground. It was sorely mistaken. Dominus Pupulorum lived! The Knight Warden was only on a single wound, but that was enough to keep it on its feet. It bravely retaliated and inflicted just 3 wounds in return – not much, but it held the enemy in close combat and prevented the Chaos forces from taking the artefact that it was protecting.

The Knight Desecrator charges in!

Dominus Pupulorum survives the vicious
close combat on a single wound!

The battlefield at the end of Turn 1 - the 
Imperial Knights dominate, but the Knight
Warden is in a precarious position

At the end of Turn 1, I had managed to secure my Precious Artefact while preventing Tom from holding his, giving me 3 VP for that Primary Objective (no points for the Take & Hold part of the Primary Objective could be scored in the first turn). I had also increased my Honour points and taken more objectives than I started with, giving me some Secondary VPs. Neither of us had killed a larger Knight (yet), so no VPs were awarded to either of us for that (those objectives offered significant bonuses for how and when the largest enemy models were despatched), though Tom managed to secure a single VP for covering at least half of the objectives in the Dread Range from his two knights.

So far, it was looking good for the Imperial Knights, but Dominus Pupulorum would have to be very lucky to survive the next turn. 




Dan – Imperial Knights

Battle Round

Primary Objective

Secondary Objectives

Take & Hold, 

Precious Artefact

Yield No Ground

Duel of Honour

Honour of the House











Total VP (1 Round)





Tom – Chaos Knights

Battle Round

Primary Objective

Secondary Objectives

Take & Hold, 

Precious Artefact

A Fitting Challenge

Ruthless Tyranny

Path of Destruction











Total VP (1 Round)


Imperial Knights Turn 2

The blessings of the Machine God had kept Dominus Pupulorum from being destroyed, and it now self-repaired – doubling its wounds from 1 to an almighty 2! Its machine spirit was unbowed, however, and fresh strength coursed through its adamantium sinews (the Machine Spirit Resurgent stratagem). Baron von Ulrich couldn’t countenance the ignominy of retreat in the face of the abominable machine in front of him, an affront to the Machine God, so he grasped its arm with his thunderstrike gauntlet and unloaded his guns at point blank range. Though the salvo blew chunks from the Chaos war engine’s armour, the Baron knew that he was but a mere decoy, holding the enemy’s attention while the Freeblade Knight Paladin, Ferro Brutum, manoeuvred into position for its own devastating charge.

Meanwhile, the Armiger Cupam Urceum ran to secure the artefact that Ferro Brutum had left behind to stalk the Knight Desecrator, while the Knight Errant, Indago Perdum, strode towards the centre of the battlefield. Turning its attention to the Knight Abominant, Indago Perdum unleashed a torrent of energy from its thermal cannon. Though the machine spirit of the Knight Errant would have much preferred to slice its enemy in twain with its reaper chainsword, it was satisfied enough to see the Chaos abomination melt into a puddle of slag as the coruscating fires from the thermal cannon burned through its armour and utterly destroyed the once-proud walker.

Ferro Brutum now charged into glorious melee, to relieve the beleaguered Knight Warden. Reaper chainsword whirring, the Freeblade sliced into the infernal Chaos Knight again and again, inflicting so much damage that not even the unholy energies that kept the machine walking could prevent its destruction. Dominus Pupulorum was left holding the arm of the Knight Desecrator as the rest of the walker crashed down to the ground, lifeless.

Baron von Ulrich breathed a sigh of relief. There were no Chaos Knights remaining on the field of battle – he and his fellow Knights had secured the area, so their serfs would be able to safely recover the various artefacts from the ruined industrial buildings surrounding them. He was a little surprised that the intelligence he had received had been wrong, as he had been expecting 4 enemy war machines, but at least it was preferable to finding an enemy force far stronger than anticipated… 

Ferro Brutum charges in to
relieve Dominus Pupulorum

The Knight Desecrator couldn't withstand the
devastating charge of Ferro Brutum

Dominus Pupulorum is saved from further
attack by the Knight Desecrator

Chaos Knights Turn 2

Baron von Ulrich’s relief was short-lived as a fizzle, a crack and the smell of ozone from behind him saw a tear in reality expand, through which strode a Knight Rampager, haloed in balefire from the Warp. The portal closed behind the Chaos war engine as soon as it had stepped forward onto solid ground, when it immediately blared its warhorn and charged straight towards the rear of the Knight Warden. Though it stumbled and scrambled on the debris, its clawed feet soon found purchase and propelled it forwards with unnatural speed (Tom had to re-roll his charge range, just managing to get the 9” that were required after his deep strike).

Dominus Pupulorum attempted to turn and unleash overwatch fire on the charging Rampager, but it was caught in the back by the vicious claw and chainblade of the frenzied war machine. Already battered and bruised, the Knight Warden had no chance and was thrown to the ground as the Rampager stood above, roaring its triumph to the sky. It was revelling in its victory so much that it paid no heed to the Freeblade Knight Paladin that was standing a short distance away, battle cannon pointed straight towards it.  

A Knight Rampager emerges from the Warp
and charges Dominus Pupulorum in the rear

Dominus Pupulorum is finally laid low, while Ferro Brutum 
trains its battle cannon on the Knight Rampager in
anticipation of avenging its fallen comrade

Killing Dominus Pupulorum gained a good 5 VPs for the Chaos Knights, but with the rest of the force being wiped out they weren’t able to contest any objectives effectively, allowing the Imperial Knights to really pull ahead on points.   




Dan – Imperial Knights

Battle Round

Primary Objective

Secondary Objectives

Take & Hold,

Precious Artefact

Yield No Ground

Duel of Honour

Honour of the House
















Total VP (2 Rounds)





Tom – Chaos Knights

Battle Round

Primary Objective

Secondary Objectives

Take & Hold,

Precious Artefact

A Fitting Challenge

Ruthless Tyranny

Path of Destruction
















Total VP (2 Rounds)



Imperial Knights Turn 3

There was only one thing left to do – avenge Dominus Pupulorum by eradicating the last Chaos-tainted filth from the battlefield. Indago Perdum moved up to support this effort, but the Knight Errant wasn’t needed – at point-blank range, the rapid-firing battle cannon of Ferro Brutum smashed through the Rampager’s ion shields, blasting holes in its torso and dropping the infernal war machine to its knees. The Paladin strode up to the stricken machine and fired one final high calibre shell through the leering mask of the Chaos Knight, putting it down for good.  


It was a solid win for the Imperial Knights. There was no Turn 3 for the Chaos force as they had been annihilated.





Dan – Imperial Knights

Battle Round

Primary Objective

Secondary Objectives

Take & Hold,

Precious Artefact

Yield No Ground

Duel of Honour

Honour of the House


























Total VP (3 Rounds)





Tom – Chaos Knights

Battle Round

Primary Objective

Secondary Objectives

Take & Hold,

Precious Artefact

A Fitting Challenge

Ruthless Tyranny

Path of Destruction


























Total VP (2 Rounds)



Tom’s Chaos Knights were wiped out early in my Turn 3 Shooting Phase, so he only got 2 turns to gain Victory Points… unfortunately for him, he had struggled to gain many points early on as my Imperial Knights outnumbered him significantly due to his Abominant being in reserve and me getting the 1st turn and using the opportunity to destroy his War Dog. With just two knights on the table at the start of his first turn, it was difficult to contest the objectives required to gain the Primary or his Secondary Objectives.

He did manage to kill my Warlord in his Turn 2, netting a nice 5 VPs… it was very unlucky for him that he failed to kill Dominus Pupulorum in Turn 1 – surviving on a single wound denied him the 6 VPs he would have got for killing it on Turn 1, plus his deep striking Abominant could have potentially targeted one of the other high value targets. As both of the other Questoris Knights were alive at the end of the battle, he lost 2 of the 5 VP he gained for taking out the Warlord. It really was a bad day to be a Chaos Knight, but then again it serves them right for worshipping the fell powers of the Warp!!!

Really, I think Tom’s main mistake was putting that Abominant into reserve. It gave me the opportunity to focus on the rest of his force and overwhelm it. That was helped by me winning the roll-off for first turn. The second problem he had was not killing my Warlord on his Turn 1. That was due to a combination of really bad luck on his shooting rolls with his Desecrator and not getting his Rampager close enough for a charge – if he had combined his forces in melee then he would have easily overwhelmed my Knight Warden. I made sure I combined as much firepower as possible to ensure I overkilled his War Dog, rather than doing a bit of damage here and there. He did have some stinking luck with that shooting, but could have mitigated it by getting both knights charging in.

I really liked the opportunity to fight against Chaos Knights, and they did feel like a distinct army now, rather than just Imperial Knights with spikes on! I was quite concerned about the Psychic Phase, but in the end it didn’t cause much trouble. I like the fact they get some Warp-fuelled powers and don’t lament the fact that the Imperials don’t get that – it would be deeply irresponsible to put a psyker on a Throne Mechanicum, not to mention totally lacking in honour!

Talking of honour, the new honour system is very good. It does add to the admin and adds more things to think about, but it is very characterful. It certainly added to my decision-making process about whether to fall back with my Knight Warden or not. On the one hand, I knew that if I retreated with the Warden then it would allow the rest of my Knights the opportunity to shoot the Desecrator to pieces, and the Freeblade Paladin could charge in to finish the job. However, he would have to survive some potentially dangerous overwatch from that enormous cannon. Keeping the Warden in combat meant that I could shoot at point blank range with the Warden and then charge the Paladin in without having to worry about the overwatch. Ultimately, the decision had nothing to do with these boring game considerations, and came down to what was the most honourable thing to do. I would lose an honour point for falling back, and I just couldn’t countenance that! Dominus Pupulorum had somehow survived the charge, he would stay grappling with the beast, shooting to the last, and distracting it from the whirring chainblade of Ferro Brutum! Of course, that was the only decision a proper knight could possibly make! Of course, if the Desecrator survived then my Knight Warden was dead… but he would be dying honourably. As it was, he got shanked from behind the following turn by a filthy, cowardly, completely ungallant Knight Abominant, but that would have happened even if he had fallen back so I feel he maintained the moral high ground!

Overall, it was a very fun game, with some good and bad dice rolling on both sides and some opportunities to really get into the spirit of things. With a few dice rolls going a different way and having all his knights on the table from turn one, things could easily have turned out very differently. For now, though, duty and honour won the day for the glory of House von Ulrich, the great Forge World of Metalica and the Imperium of Man. 

+++ End Transmission +++


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