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Saturday 19 February 2022

Road to Apocalypse: 10. Where Next?

Road to Apocalypse: 10. Where Next?

13 February 2022

๐Ÿ‘ˆ Part 9: The Final Battle

Da Boss lookin' fer da next skrap

So this was it, the final battle. It had all been leading up to this for the last few months - all the painting and practice battles. The Modelling Exhibition at Midhurst, the final showdown between the forces of the Imperium and the WAAAAAAGH! that had been steadily growing. Of course, the Orks won in the end - they always do! And if they don't then they can always come back for annuver go, so it doesn't count... or, if they're dead then they're dead, so that doesn't count neither. But this time they did win and soon there'll be a tide of Greenskins invading planet after planet - good job boyz! 

The question is, what's next? I've got a tonne of old Orks that need painting up. This sort of game is a great way to get enthusiasm and inspiration to get things painted up, and playing that massive game with fully painted armies looked fantastic. So, I definitely want to keep some momentum going and paint the rest of my Orks (though there are a few other games taking my eye at the moment as well...). In addition to that, I would definitely like to play more Apocalypse games, and I have some plans for some more large vehicles to add. The Big Meks will be busy on Midhurstian Prime for a while building these engines of destruction!

I got this Micro Machines fire and rescue plane, which I think is going to look great as a large Bommer (just look at it compared to my Dakkajet!). There's no rules for a massive bomber, but I'm sure something could be worked up. Perhaps modify a Marauder bomber's stats... Anyway, it should be cool. 

I've seen a couple of great conversions using different AT-AT models. My vision for this one will be to make a mechanical Gargantuan Squiggoth. The only problem with that is using it in regular 40K, because they seem to have nerfed the big Squig and taken away most of its guns... in that case it could possibly be another Stompa. The nice thing about Orks is just building things and making them work as SOMETHING!  

Talking of Stompas, I've wanted to scratch-build another one for ages. This one is going to be a Kustom Stompa (or Mekboy Stompa) with a Lifta-Droppa arm and a big Belly Gun. I'm going to model it largely after the old Great Gargants in Epic, but it won't be much taller than the 'normal' Stompa.   

Finally, there's something I've been keen on doing for a long time. Tom managed to get his Battle Fortress assembled from a Baneblade for the Midhurst battle, and it looked great. It didn't perform particularly well, though it did soak up a lot of firepower. Perhaps it needs to be used more like the Stompas, grinding forwards with a load of Orks inside? Because it has so many guns, the temptation is to sit it on Aimed Fire orders all game, but as with most Ork shooting it can often be lacklustre. But, with a decent transport capacity, that might be the way forwards... Anyway, I'll be using bits from this kit on the other conversions, and turning this into something that hopefully looks good.   

I definitely need a bit of a break from Apocalypse and some time playing something else. But I'm looking forward to playing it again. There are many aspects I like, and I think it will be a good way to play smaller games too - just to get models on the table and keep things simple (playing with some other friends like Robert, who has a lot of Space Marine tanks that will be perfect for this sort of game). It will be worth trying out One Page Rules as well, that is getting a lot of traction at the club right now. They have a regular 40K game as well as an Apocalypse-equivalent. 

A good goal would be to try and get more of my boyz painted up, some of these conversions, then play a big game with me controlling all the detachments! Maybe taking on Dave's pointy-eared Eldar some time down the line... that would be interesting! 


Road to Apocalypse: 8. Goff Aggression

Road to Apocalypse: 8. Goff Aggression

12 February 2022

๐Ÿ‘ˆ Part 7: Job's a Good 'Un

๐Ÿ‘‰Part 9: The Final Battle

Brother Lytharus groaned in pain as he looked towards the horizon. Belching black smoke told him that the Orks were in pursuit. The rest of his Deathwatch Kill Team had been eliminated by the foul Greenskins, and now it was down to him to try and relay what he had found out to his superiors in the Ordo Xenos. Unfortunately, something about the strange technology the Orks were using was causing trouble with his long-range vox transmitter, so he had been unable to send the data packet off-world. He just hoped that his distress beacon could still be located - not for his own benefit, but to accomplish his mission. He had seen the gathering Ork forces, and this was no ordinary invasion. More than one of their degenerate 'Klans' were present on the planet, a sure sign that a particularly dangerous Warboss was leading the Orks - it was the only way that the animosity between them could be kept in check. Yes, this was the beginnings of a true WAAAAGH!, and there could be dire consequences for this whole sub-sector if it wasn't dealt with quickly enough. 

The Deathwatch Marine coughed up blood into his helmet. He could go no further. As he slipped in and out of consciousness, he said a prayer to the Emperor to ask for forgiveness for failing in his mission. Greenskins were coming to finish the job, and he had not the strength to resist... but, what was that? The unmistakable trails of drop pods in the sky. Could it be? Yes, the blessed Emperor had answered his prayers - his brother Astartes had located him! Lytharus tried to stand but could not. He would have to wait right here and hope that his rescuers got to him before the Orks did... 

Road to Apocalypse: 6. Reflections of a Warboss

Road to Apocalypse: 6. Reflections of a Warboss

๐Ÿ‘ˆ Part 5: The Meat Grinder

๐Ÿ‘‰Part 7: Job's a Good 'Un

I'm FINKING!!!!!!

That Meat Grinder mission felt brutal.... our Council of Warbosses discussed it afterward, and we all felt like the battle was going pretty well. The Orks were largely in control of the objectives, we'd killed off a fair number of the enemy. We probably weren't going to win after our Super Heavies exploded and took out most of the Deffskullz, but for the score to end up as 8-4 didn't really seem to reflect how we felt the battle had gone. It felt like a draw or a narrow loss, rather than the Marines getting double our score! So what went wrong?

I think that Orks have a really tough match-up against Space Marines in Apocalypse. The Marine shooting is so effective compared to ours - everything on base 3+ to hit, easily boosted to 2+ on Aimed Fire orders (which is possible from Turn 1 because everything is starting within 24"). And on top of that they have plenty of characters buffing them with re-rolling 1's or re-rolling misses. They can start pouring highly effective fire onto our troops straight away, whereas we have to be quite kunnin' to pull off a first turn charge - either through lucky Stompa deployment or picking Da Jump psychic power. All the time they are pouring accurate firepower onto the Orks, they have a chance of putting a few blast markers on here and there, even with low strength weapons. 

Then that leads to the next Ork problem - morale. All it takes is one or two blast markers on a unit in the first turn, and the Orks are likely to fail their leadership test and take additional damage from morale. Conversely, I don't remember the Marines failing a single morale check in all the Apocalypse games we've been playing. Yeah, that's good and fluffy as they are the Emperor's Chosen and all that, but it does seem pretty tough on the Orks to have no way to avoid your units just bleeding away. 

Of course, we have the numbers. Who cares if that unit of weedy Grots runs away, we've always got more of them, and here comes some Meganobz too! That's great, it's the Ork way - life is cheap, there's always more, why send one Dredd when three would do. We can choke the objectives with bodies and still give the enemy a good kicking when they get close enough. But that doesn't work in Meat Grinder. Because it is counted in 'number of units destroyed', it is easy for the Marines to kill off some chaff units that don't matter, but end up killing more units in the turn so getting the points for that. And, in this mission, they get 2 VP per turn for doing that. It's quite brutal when controlling the objectives only gives 1 VP. 

In this particular game, 1 VP is also awarded per Super Heavy that is destroyed. To my surprise, Gorkanauts and Morkanauts are 'Super Heavy'... some other units that are just as big don't seem to have the same keyword. Likewise, the Impulsor Primaris Tank doesn't have the Super Heavy keyword, but the firepower it can dish out is obscene, and definitely comparable to some Super Heavy vehicles. It wouldn't matter, but because of the VPs awarded for destroying Super Heavies, the Space Marines have an opportunity to get a few more points by focusing their fire on our walkers - and the Gorkanaut isn't particularly survivable (and also suffers from the morale issues mentioned above). It almost feels like including the Super Heavies in this sort of mission is giving the Marines more targets to get VPs from... but what is Apocalypse without huge vehicles? 

Funnily enough, in the previous mission against Tris (4. Junkyard Brawl), my use of big walkers really worked well for me. He struggled to deal with them. Perhaps he would have done better to focus some of his small arms fire on the smaller walkers, as just a few blast markers on a Deff Dredd can take it out. But that game did feel a bit like he had brought a knife to a gun fight, particularly once the Stompa had chopped up his Hellhammer. I think he felt that game was pretty unbalanced and an uphill struggle for him due to our list choices. I guess it has felt a bit the other way in the larger games we've played so far, where the Orks are always on the back foot and struggling to deal with the Marines. Perhaps in the smaller game, it accentuated the Rock, Paper, Scissors aspect because we both had smaller forces. If Tris used the force he had against an infantry-heavy Ork army, he would have come out on top quite easily. Alternatively, if he had a vehicle-heavy Marine force that was dedicated to killing armour, he could have wiped out my Dredd Mob. In the bigger games, we've had a much wider selection, and the shooting ability of the Marines has really come to the fore. 

In the Meat Grinder, things were much more even apart from when it came to the score. It struck me that there should be a better reward for holding the objectives - perhaps boosting the score for holding most objectives to 2 VP a turn would redress the balance and make it more worthwhile to chase board control? If that had been the case in this game then the Marines still would have won, but only just! 

The other weird thing with objectives in this game was the fact there were only 4, and the Defender gained the points in the case of a tie. That makes no sense to me. The Defender is the force with the lower PL total, which could just be 1 or 2 PL - not enough to make any difference to the force balance, but gives a big advantage when working out victory points. Having a fifth objective to allow a proper majority would be good. I also think that it would be better to have some fixed locations for objectives, rather than placing them wherever you want. I think it's supposed to encourage moving into the centre of the table and having a proper fight, but the Marines were able to just sit tight on their objectives in their deployment zone and let us get to them - I mean, yeah of course we wanted to get to them for some proper fighting, but in terms of game balance it makes things feel like an uphill struggle to advance into the teeth of all that shooting to try and steal the objectives. 

I know that Apocalypse is based on the old Epic 40K ruleset. I wonder if it would work better at that smaller scale because there would be more movement involved, rather than just sitting and putting Aimed Fire orders on detachments from Turn 1 (which is a bit boring!). But I do love the opportunity to get some big models on the table! There are many things in the Apocalypse ruleset that I like (alternative detachment activation, the blast marker mechanics so everything gets to activate, the streamlined rules compared to normal 40K), but there are some things that I think could be tweaked to make it feel a bit more fair. It's all just about fun, moving big models around and chucking dice, but it is better when it feels that both sides have the opportunity to win with a bit of luck and kunnin'. I'll definitely be looking to play more Apocalypse in the future, possibly giving the One Page Rules version a shot at some point. The even more simplified rules might make it more possible to finish a game - the most we've managed so far is 3 turns. I do wonder if the Meat Grinder mission might have ended differently if we had finished all 5 turns... if we could have kept our stranglehold on the objectives, returned a detachment or two to the table (bringing back Ghazghkull and the Stompa!), perhaps we would have been able to get the win. The length of time to play these games is pretty prohibitive, it would be brilliant to play somewhere where it could be set up all weekend to come back to the following day. We're doing better now we're more familiar with the rules, but it is still quite a long process to get through the Damage and Morale phases and get any more than three turns out of the game. 

It really has been good to get locked into one game for a while and focus on it so much, learning how it works and being inspired to get more things painted up that have been sitting in boxes for a long time. I think the final battle at Midhurst should be quite a spectacle! 

๐Ÿ‘‰Part 7: Job's a Good 'Un 

Road to Apocalypse: 9. The Final Battle

Road to Apocalypse: 9. The Final Battle

13 February 2022

๐Ÿ‘ˆ Part 8: Goff Aggression

๐Ÿ‘‰Part 10: Where Next?

We's gonna stomp you!!

So this was it, the final battle. It had all been leading up to this for the last few months - all the painting and practice battles. The Modelling Exhibition at Midhurst, the final showdown between the forces of the Imperium and the WAAAAAAGH! that had been steadily growing.  

+++++ PRIORITY: ALPHA +++++


Road to Apocalypse: 7. Job's a Good 'Un.

Road to Apocalypse: 7. Job's a Good 'Un

๐Ÿ‘ˆ Part 6: Reflections of a Warboss

๐Ÿ‘‰Part 8: Goff Aggression

After a few games of Apocalypse to hone the list a bit, I was feeling pretty good about where to focus my painting efforts. Yes, it would be great to get more of my dozens of boyz painted up, but it was all about clanking vehicles - Dredds, Dredds and more Dredds! I also knew I had to get Ghazghkull painted up, and the Mek Gunz had proven invaluable for their accurate (for Orks) shooting. Plus, I knew the Imperial list in the final battle was likely to be very flier-heavy, and there aren't many anti-air options available to the Orks. 

These are all just some quick snaps with the phone as I was finishing off these models. I'm going to get them in front of a proper camera with lights and things when I get a chance, and I think I might even do some step-by-step WIP posts on at least some of them - I have a load of pictures of the models during assembly and painting, so when I get a chance I'll do something with that. For now, here are the things I was getting prepared for the final couple of battles! 

The Final Army List

+++ Waaaagh! Da Goffs (Warhammer 40,000: Apocalypse) [150 PL] +++

++ Supreme Command Detachment (Orks) ++

+ HQ +

Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka, Prophet of Da Waaaagh! - Warboss of Warbosses: Kustom Klaw, Twin Big Shoota. WARMASTER. 

Ork Mek Boss Buzzgob - Big Mek: Kustom Force Field, Mek Arms, Nitnuckle and Lunk (Grot Oilers).

Gulskrag Thraka - Warboss: Boss Weapons. 

+ Elites +

Gulskrag's Tuffgitz - 6 x Ork Meganobz 

+ Lord of War +

Da Great Green Gitkilla - Stompa: 2 extra Supa Rokkits. 

++ Spearhead Detachment (Orks) ++

+ HQ +

Buzzmek Geargrinda - Big Mek: Kustom Force Field. Warlord.

+ Elites +

Old Man Lo-Ghaz - Nob with Waaagh! Banner 

+ Heavy Support +

Orktimus Prime - Deff Dread: 2x Kustom Mega-Blasta, 2x Dread Klaws

Gitslasha - Deff Dread: 2x Dread Saws, 2x Dread Klaws

Buzzmek's Ruzzbot - Morkanaut: Kustom Force Field

++ Spearhead Detachment (Orks) ++

+ HQ +

Deadeye Dregmek - Big Mek: Shokk Attakk Gun. Warlord.

+ Heavy Support +

Dregmek's Wagon - Gunwagon: Kannon.

Lifta-Droppas - Mek Gunz: 2x Traktor Kannons

Pulsa Rokkit - Mek Gunz: 1 x Bubble Chukka

Da Kannons - Mek Gunz: 2 x Smasha Guns

++ Battalion Detachment (Orks) ++

+ HQ +

Da Amayzin' Bozgit - Weirdboy. Warlord.

+ Troops +

Dagratz Ladz - 10 x Slugga Boyz.

Snikrot's Sneaky Slittas - 10 x Slugga Boyz

Snotty Grotz - 30 x Gretchin


Road to Apocalypse: 5. The Meat Grinder

Road to Apocalypse: 5. The Meat Grinder

29 January 2022

๐Ÿ‘ˆ Part 4: Junkyard Brawl

๐Ÿ‘‰Part 6: Reflections of a Warboss


The WAAAAGH!! energy burned bright, shining out into the void, and it was drawing more greenskins towards it like moths to a lumen bulb. Some of them came without realising what it was that called to them. Others listened to the gibbering insanity of their Weirdboyz and understood that there was some propa fighting to be done. And one Ork, one great green-skinned menace, knew just where he needed to be, because Gork and Mork had told him themselves. Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka, the Prophet of the Waaaagh!, the Beast of Armageddon, 'ardest boss in da ooniverse. He heard the call, and he grinned.