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Sunday 6 June 2021

Lightning Tickles! (Sons of Behemat vs. Stormcast Eternals AOS battle)

Blackhole Wargamers, 05 June 2021

1,500pt Age of Sigmar game

Dan – Sons of Behemat, Stomper Tribe

Tris – Stormcast Eternals

Battleplan – Battle for the Pass (General’s Handbook 2020, pg 78)

Previous - Magbragog takes on the Beasts of Chaos!


Magbragog’s Stomper Tribe (1,500pts)


Magbragog Maneater

(Warstomper Mega-Gargant, General, Eager for the Fight & Ironweld Cestus – 480pts)

Tarbag Dragon-Smasher

(Gatebreaker Mega-Gargant – 490pts)

The Stompy Brothers – Fat Glurg, Dronk Stonty-Stomper & Grumbog Aleguzzler

(Mancrusher Gargants, Battleline – 480pts)

+1 Command Point – 50pts



The Stompy Brothers had taken a while to recover from the wounds they suffered at the hands of the Beastmen – but then, it had taken a while for the two Mega-Gargants to munch their way through the dead chaos beasts. In fact, there were enough furry corpses littering the ground that there was still quite a feast for the wounded Mancrushers to gorge themselves on while their larger brethren slept off their meal, leaning against the herdstone. The rich, dark minotaur meat in particular seemed to impart restorative energy to the three smaller giants and they were soon back on their feet and ready to follow Magbragog to the next scrap. They didn’t have to travel far.

Marching further into Ghur, the Realm of Beasts, the Stomper Tribe descended into a broad canyon between huge, impassable mountains. A derelict settlement of greenish-grey rock lay within the pass, amongst several thickets of trees. Tarbag looked despondent at the sight of the buildings as they were already mostly tumbled down, taking the fun out of smashing them himself. But the Gatebreaker’s mood improved when Magbragog pointed at the far end of the canyon, where a group of the God-King Sigmar’s armour-plated warriors stood defiantly. The challenge was clear; if the gargants wanted to proceed, they would have to fight their way through these Stormcast Eternals. So, things were looking up as far as Tarbag was concerned! 

The Stomper Tribe strides into the pass

Stormcast Eternals are arrayed opposite the giants' left flank

Turn 1 

Seeing the Stormcast Eternals arranged in a clump all together, the Sons of Behemat shouted their warcries and advanced. Moving into the centre of the ruined settlement, Tarbag stood at one side of the pass, his bulk blocking a large portion of it, while the smaller Mancrushers loped up towards some trees on the opposite side. Magbragog strode purposefully towards the very centre of the ruins, feeling confident that he and his brethren controlled the pass. He shouted at the Stompy Brothers to chuck some rocks at the big bolt thrower in front of them, with one of the rocks managing to hit the artillery piece and splintering the wood slightly. Tarbag was too far away for even his massive arms to chuck a rock at any of the enemy, and the distance was too far for Magbragog to charge in so the Warstomper stood and bellowed a challenge at the Stormcast.

Sons of Behemat hold two centre objectives: +4 VP (4 VP Total)

The Sons of Behemat advance to the centre of the battlefield, claiming two objectives

With steely determination and the discipline of well-trained troops, the Stormcast host stood firm in the face of the Mega-Gargant’s shouting in front of them. They drew on their magicks to empower one of their bolt throwers and cast mystical protection on some of their warriors, then calmly lined up their shots.

The bow-armed Judicators on the far right let fly with their arrows, one of which hit Fat Glurg – the electric tingle tickled him and made the giant’s chins quiver as he giggled in response. The giggling soon stopped, however, when the two bolt throwers loosed their much larger missiles, which each split into several bolts as they flew through the air. Glurg was peppered by bolts that turned into arcing flashes of blue lightning, burning his broad chest and dropping him to the ground, smoking. His two brothers were surprised by the violence of the war machines and knew they needed a good smashing. On the other side of the battlefield, Tarbag raised the portcullis on his right arm to cover his face as arrows flew from the second squad of Judicators, but one of the projectiles managed to pierce the flesh of his forearm and make the Mega-Gargant growl in irritation.  

Stormcast hold the objective in their territory: +1 VP (1 VP Total)

Turn 2 

Dronk Stunty-Stomper and Grumbog Aleguzzler charged forwards to avenge Fat Glurg, leaving the huge lump still smoking beside the trees. Magbragog shouted some encouragement at the smaller giants, driving them forwards so they were able to smash into one of the ballistae and a unit of Retributors armed with huge hammers. The two Mancrusher Gargants smashed the ballistae into kindling and squished the two crewman, while also decimating the Retributors and leaving just two of them alive. They were glad to be rid of the vicious bolt thrower, whilst also having several trees to their left that shielded them from the second war machine. 

Pleased with the Mancrusher’s charge, all down to his expert shouting no doubt, Magbragog himself charged in, stepping over the ruins in front of him and barrelling into the Stormcast in front of him. He smashed and kicked and jumped up and down, even picking one of the unfortunate Judicators up and throwing him at the Retributors who were fighting the Mancrushers, killing one and leaving a single Stormcast facing the two giants. Tarbag couldn’t quite get into range to help his brother, but Magbragog didn’t need any assistance and gleefully slaughtered all of the armoured warriors that he could get his hands on. None remained alive to challenge his dominance in the middle of what had been the Stormcast’s territory.

Sons of Behemat hold two centre objectives and enemy’s objective: +8 VP (12 VP Total)

The Sons of Behemat doing what they do best, and what they do ain't pretty

It's Magbragog's turn to show why he's the boss

The Stormcast were reeling from the charge of the giants. They attempted to bring their missile weapons to bear, but the remaining ballista was unable to draw a bead past the trees, while the Judicators shooting at Magbragog saw their arrows either fly wide or ping off his cestus. It was clear that the moment was here, and they would have to charge into combat.

Goading their Dracolines forward, the Evocators charged the Mancrusher Gargants. Though the Stormcast managed to deal a small amount of damage to the brutes, it was their mounts that really had an impact by managing to ferociously claw Grumbog into submission. As he fell to the ground, Dronk responded with his club and smashed one of the Stormcast to the ground, felling his Dracoline with a headbutt so it fell on top of the stricken warrior with a sickening crunch.

Bravely following the Evocators’ example, the Judicators assaulted the Mancrushers from the rear. Two of them were beaten into a pulp by Dronk, but the third did his best to do some damage to the final Mancrusher. 

Stormcast no longer hold any objectives: +0 VP (1 VP Total)

Stormcast charge into the Mancrusher Gargants

Turn 3 

The majority of the Stormcast Eternal host had been decimated by the rampaging Gargants, the casualties being whisked away to Azyr for reforging. Magbragog, finding himself with no enemies within arm’s length, decided to make his way towards what appeared to be the Stormcast leader, who was sitting on a tasty-looking chicken monster.

Tarbag finally managed to get close enough to use his flail, smashing it left and right at the Stormcast that were around his ankles till there was nothing but a red smear on the ground. Meanwhile, Dronk managed to defeat the final Evocator on his Dracoline, and kicked the final Judicator into the air before he landed with a thud, his armour bent and broken.

Magbragog roared and smashed the Stormcast leader with his club, picking the unfortunate warrior up and preparing to tear him in half while he held the squirming Gryph-Charger down under one enormous foot. Before he could do anything, however, the Lord-Aquilor’s armour began to glow with an internal heat that blistered Magbragog’s fingers. All of a sudden, the Sigmarite warrior exploded in a blinding flash, killing himself and his nearby companion in the blast. Even the Warstomper staggered backwards from the explosion, pulling bits of shiny green armour out of his chest and arms. It was surprisingly painful, but on the plus side the hot explosion had burned off the feathers of the Lord’s mount and given the flesh a nice, charred appearance. He was going to look forward to eating that, now not-so-feathery, creature.

Sons of Behemat hold two centre objectives and enemy’s objective: +8 VP (20 VP Total)

The Sons of Behemat surround the few surviving Stormcast

Victory Points 

Tris (Stormcast) – held their objective during turn 1

1 point


Dan (Sons of Behemat) – held centre objectives turns 1, 2 and 3, and enemy objective turns 2 and 3

20 points

Victory to the Sons of Behemat!


There was no good eating on a Stormcast – as soon as you peeled the armour off, there was nothing but wispy smoke inside! Lucky that a few of these blokes had some big cats that they were riding, and that funny looking chicken was tasty too thought Magbragog. He enjoyed fighting Sigmar’s warriors, he just felt that a good fight should always be followed by an even better meal.

The Warstomper looked over at Dronk, the sole member of the Stompy Brothers who had remained on his feet during this scrap. As he tore another chunk of meat off the chicken-thing, Magbragog shook his head. Those little giants certainly knew how to swing a club, but they did go down a bit too easy. He wondered if it would be good to find a few more Mancrushers from somewhere to fill out their ranks, whether that would help the little ‘uns. Or maybe him and Tarbag should take a detour to the Coast of Tusks and see if they could find a Kraken-Eater to join their warband. The slimy gits tended to walk around thinking they owned everything, but they were pretty handy in a fight and tougher than the titchy little Mancrushers.

Throwing down the chewed remnants of the Lord Aquilor’s Gryph-Charger, Magbragog was still hungry. He’d give the Mancrushers another go, assuming that Fat Glurg and Grumbog weren’t properly dead. A good shouting would probably help get them back on their feet, so he strode towards them and began to inhale deeply… 

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