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Tuesday 11 May 2021

Nerdy Gamers - D&D Session 12

18 April 2021

⏪ Previous - Session 11

The party

·         Kisandra Starlight –Half-Elf Sorceress (Heather)

·         Barendil Dawnwood – Elf Ranger (Robert)

·         Guillerme don d’Lyonne – Human Paladin (Martin)

·         Friar Buck Norris – Human Cleric (Silas)

·         Nobby Nobbs – Human (probably) Rogue (Tom)

Thundertree map at the start of Session 12

Cleaning Up the Cult of Personality

The adventurers stood amongst the dragon cultist corpses as Barendil walked outside to send Perry flying back to Phandalin with their correspondence. As he walked back in, he saw Nobby was rooting around the corpses, as usual, while Buck and Guillerme were having a casual glance through some of the sheafs of parchment that were scattered about – they didn’t find anything of particular interest.

Kisandra was feeding the little bronze pseudodragon and stroking its chin. They seemed to be forming a bond already. The lizard-like creature made a sound akin to a cat purring, then suddenly leapt down from the table it was sitting on and started looking from Kisandra to the wall and back again. As it did this, the sorceress felt some images appearing in her mind, fuzzy and faint at first but getting stronger. She could see a vase of pink flowers, and as she looked properly to where the pseudodragon was excitedly nodding its head, she saw an old painting on the wall. Though the paint was faded and peeling, it was unmistakably the same vase of pink flowers. She reasoned that the images she had seen in her head must have been a result of the little creature communicating with her telepathically, so she walked to the wall to investigate further.

There was something strange about this painting. While most of the walls were either broken or simply devoid of ornamentation, this painting appeared to have been hung with care. And, though it was old and faded, the frame was relatively clean – particularly around the bottom right corner, almost as if it had been regularly polished in just that spot. The pseudodragon was jumping with excitement now, flapping its little wings as it ran in circles around Kisandra’s legs. She reached out and found that the painting was hinged on its left side, and by pulling on the clean righthand corner she exposed a hidden alcove in the wall. This was what the little creature was trying to tell her! She reached inside and pulled out an old, worn axe, but her magical senses told her that this was deceptive – the axe was enchanted and much more potent than it first appeared. It had the word ‘Hew’ written upon the shaft, presumably the name given to the magical weapon.

By now, the rest of the party had gathered round to see what Kisandra had discovered. She closed her eyes and focused her inner eye on the axe. It was clearly of dwarven manufacture, she had already noticed that, but as she focused on it, she began to get a sense of the history of the weapon and the enchantments the dwarfs had bestowed it with. She could feel the axe thirsting for tree sap, eager to chop wood and fell forests. The anger that resided within the axe spoke of some tragic past related to woodland conflict.

Opening her eyes, Kisandra looked round at her companions and told them what she knew of this axe. It was an excellent find, well hidden in this building – had it been hidden by the cultists or perhaps it had been here long before they took up residence? It was too late to ask them. She wasn’t sure whether the pseudodragon had observed the men placing the axe in its alcove or whether it had used some other sense to divine the location, perhaps drawn to its magic. Either way, the pseudodragon had already proved a useful companion, and the party now had a new weapon to help them smite their enemies. The only question remaining was, who would wield the potent chopper?

The magical battleaxe revealed by Kisandra's new
pseudodragon companion

Guillerme said that he was happy with his glaive and the additional reach it afforded him to keep out of range of most enemies, so he wasn’t eager to take up the magical axe. Buck, however, looked at Hew with wide eyes, gladly accepting the axe when Kisandra passed it to him. He stowed his warhammer in his pack and held the axe reverently. It felt good in his hands. He appreciated the dwarven craftsmanship, the simple utilitarian design and the exceptionally sharp edge. He looked forward to using it to bring Kord’s justice to his enemies.

Before they left the house, Barendil walked up to Nobby and patted the small man on the shoulder. He congratulated Nobby on the execution of his plan in defeating the cultists and said that maybe he was wrong about him. The elf went on to say that he knew about Nobby’s penchant for ear collection and told him that he would pledge his own ears to Nobby upon his death. The rest of the party looked on in abject horror and disgust as the exchange took this unexpected turn, and immediately tried to scrub it from their memories. But Nobby’s filthy little face as Mr. Barendil talked to him was a sight they wouldn’t soon forget. 

Bring Out Your Dead

The adventurers left the stench of dead cultists behind and ventured into the ruins of the town once more. They walked through a ruined building that contained the remains of a forge and a number of old, rusted tools. Though this building was almost completely destroyed, it was clear that it used to be a blacksmith’s workshop, though the forge had not been lit in many years.

Ahead, the path forked. Taking the right-hand branch would lead them north, past Mirna’s old herbalist shop and back into the centre of the town. The left fork soon terminated at a dishevelled building that Guillerme had already noted as containing some sort of undead presence. All agreed that this undead menace should be dealt with, but a cautious approach should be taken as they did not know precisely what manner of abomination lay within, or indeed how many there might be – just that there was something there.

So it was that Barendil and Nobby drew their cloaks about themselves and crept forwards in an attempt to peer into the ruined building without being seen. The normally agile elf ranger lost his footing on some loose rubble, however, and fell over in spectacular fashion, knocking his head into the remnants of the building’s front door with a loud thud. The scene may have been more comical if the noise hadn’t disturbed the zombies within the building, who started crawling from every opening and stumbling towards the adventurers, swiftly surrounding both Barendil and Nobby and moving to attack their companions.

Zombies, drawn by the commotion caused by
Barendil's clumsy advance, spill from the
ruined building to attack the adventurers

The party scrambled to defend themselves as best as they could. These zombies, as with the ones previously encountered at the barracks, puffed out clouds of cloying ash when they were hit with any attacks. The ash got into eyes, noses and throats, choking anyone nearby and making the zombies particularly difficult to deal with at close quarters. Unfortunately for the adventurers, this fight had rapidly become a close quarters affair when Barendil had alerted the undead to the party’s presence.

Droop, normally protected in the centre of the party, found himself attacked by one of the zombies. The little goblin desperately tried to fend off the grasping hands of the walking corpse. Though he was deeply afraid, he felt sure that one of his new protectors would save him. As it was, Guillerme leapt forwards, brandishing his glaive. However, showing a complete disregard for the wellbeing of the little goblin who had helped them since their foray into Tresander Manor, Guillerme swung his weapon only just above Droop’s head and buried it deep into the zombie’s chest. The length of the polearm allowed Guillerme to stand away from his target but, as he withdrew the blade, a cloud spilled out and coated Droop in a thick layer of acrid ash. The goblin coughed feebly and looked around with tears in his eyes, but Guillerme had already moved on to find more zombies to destroy. The forlorn goblin stood motionless as the combat continued around him.

Kisandra managed to burn one of the walking corpses with a Fire Bolt that immolated it completely, leaving charred bones and roasted flesh on the ground. Both Nobby and Barendil did their best to get some distance between themselves and the ash zombies, while Buck hefted his newly found axe. He found the weight distribution quite different to his warhammer so the weapon would take more getting used to. Instead, the cleric drew on the godly power of the tempest to summon a powerful Gust of Wind, which pushed some of the zombies back and away from his companions, keeping their hazardous clouds of ash at a safe distance. Uncaring, the zombies still attempted to walk through the howling gale, their only thought being to get to the fresh meat that they could smell in front of them.    

One of the zombies lurched towards Guillerme, arms outstretched and fingers flexing towards the paladin. The corpse fell to the ground at his feet, face down in the dirt. Guillerme laughed – he knew that his battle prowess was considerable, but now the fiends were just dropping like flies at his very intimidating aura? This was an incredible new development! He was too busy congratulating himself and lopping off the fallen zombie’s head, so he didn’t notice that the direction of Buck’s magical gale lined up with the direction the zombie had fallen in. If he had voiced the discovery of his new powers to his companions, they may have pointed out the more likely (and windy) explanation for the phenomenon, but he kept his thoughts to himself so remained oblivious.  

Friar Buck’s Gust of Wind was not able to prevent all the zombies from moving, and one of them eventually reached the cleric and barged into him, clacking his teeth together near his neck and breaking his concentration. As he fended the creature off, the gale died down to a soft breeze and eventually stopped entirely. Still, it had done its job to give the party some breathing room, and there were only a couple of zombies who still stood in front of the building.

Barendil took aim at one of the remaining zombies. He, for one, was glad that the magical gale had dissipated, as it would have played havoc with the flight of his arrow. However, his earlier clumsiness continued to manifest itself and he fumbled his bow as the arrow came loose from the string and jumped up into the air. The arrow passed remarkably close to the ranger’s face, nicking his right ear, much to Nobby’s alarm. The rogue breathed a sigh of relief as he saw there was just a small trickle of blood running down the earlobe – no permanent damage done, just a scratch, thank the gods!

The final zombies fell to the combined attacks of the party, but the entire encounter reminded them that they needed to keep their guard up and their wits about them, even when facing the sorts of enemies they had previously defeated.  

What Spiders Leave Behind

After dealing with the undead, the party walked back up the path towards the centre of town. As normal, Nobby was bringing up the rear as he was too busy rolling a fag, but in this case Guillerme was also lingering, which was less usual. Once the others had rounded a bend, Guillerme’s purpose became clear as he grabbed the smaller man by the scruff of the neck and thrust him up against a tree trunk. Bringing his face within a dangerous proximity of Nobby’s perplexed mug, Guillerme growled out a warning.

"Listen here you toe rag,” began the paladin, “you are a conundrum… I can't help but be impressed by your misdirection of those cultists. However, you little scrotum, if I catch you rifling through my accoutrements once more, I shall make you wish you had more essential extremities in your collection as spares.”

With that, Guillerme flicked the fag out of Nobby’s mouth and walked off with an air of superiority and satisfaction.

Nonplussed, Nobby reached behind his ear and pulled out another pre-rolled cigarette. As he began to puff on the dog end, he looked down at the items he pilfered from Guillerme’s pockets whilst the paladin had him up against the tree and laughed to himself. He couldn’t wait to see Guillerme’s face when he noticed they were missing!

Guillerme and Nobby caught up to the rest of the party as they approached the location of their battle with the giant spiders the previous day. They decided to investigate what may lie within the lair of the beasts. Barendil was still feeling uncertain on his feet after his failed attempts to sneak up on the zombies, so remained on the road to look out for danger. Nobby took the lead, stooping under thick strands of spider web to creep into the ruined building that the spiders had ambushed the party from. Stepping quietly forward, he scanned the interior and could see no signs of further danger. Nobby called the others forward when he spotted a body, tightly bound in a spider silk cocoon.  

The rest of the party approached as Nobby used a knife to cut the silk away from the corpse’s face. It appeared to be an elf, clearly very dead and presumably stored for the spiders to consume later. The elf was dressed as an adventurer, perhaps a member of a previous party that had explored the ruins of Thundertree in search of treasure. He had clearly been less successful than the group who now stood looking down at his corpse.

Nobby finished rummaging through the elf’s pockets, finding a potion of healing and some cash, and he looked up at the emaciated head, his knife hand straying towards the ears. Barendil, noticing the look of anticipation on the rogue’s face, put a warning hand on his shoulder.

“Do not desecrate the body of this fallen elf further Nobby,” commanded the ranger in a tone that cautioned it should not be ignored.

Nobby sheathed his knife. “Of course, Mr. Barendil sir,” he said with a solemn bow of his head.

Leaving the spider lair behind, the adventurers continued to the southwest part of Thundertree. Ahead of them stood a building that was still quite intact, clearly fortified and looking like it was most likely occupied. To their left, a larger but more dilapidated ruin sat amongst a large grove of trees and overgrown plot of land. Guillerme walked towards this second structure, kneeling and directing his senses towards it in an attempt to detect evil but could sense nothing nearby. He turned to the others and nodded towards the other building that appeared to be occupied, and they walked towards the front door. 

Druidic Assistance

As they approached the building, the adventurers heard a cawing sound – similar to Barendil’s bird, Perry, but more high-pitched. Looking to the sky, they saw a hawk fly down and into the chimney. Shrugging to each other in confusion, they decided to knock on the heavy wooden door. Presently, it opened a crack, and a female voice spoke to them from inside.

“Who are you to come knocking at my door?” asked the unseen occupant.

Holding Nobby back as he began to open his mouth, Barendil replied in a confident voice that they were adventurers, come to Thundertree to fulfil a promise and find out what had happened to the town. He asked who the occupant of the house was.

“I am the one who left those signs on the way into Thundertree,” came the reply, “the signs you appear to have ignored… though, you are still alive, so perhaps you could be of some use…”

“Well, we have defeated some dragon cultists as well as chopped down our fair share of walking trees and zombies,” said Barendil, trying not to sound too smug. “But tell me lady, who are you to have chosen this place to live? It’s hardly… hospitable.”

As she pulled the door open completely, the party had a full view of the woman. Long, tousled red locks fell down past her waist while a long blue robe provided some element of modesty. “I am Brida Elmgrove,” she declared, “druid, protector of nature and agent of balance. I have been doing what I can to protect the unwary from the dangers in this town, but perhaps with your help we can turn the tide and restore it to something resembling the place it once was. Come in, come in, let us talk.”

With that, the adventurers followed Brida into the dim interior of her home and she barred the heavy door behind them. 

Brida Elmgrove, defender of the natural order,
opens the door to her cottage

Sitting around the fire in Brida’s home, the adventurers recounted the events over the past two days in Thundertree. She was pleased to hear of the destruction of the dragon cultists and intrigued that they had encountered the blue dragon and lived to tell the tale.

“His name is Stormfang,” she said, “and he only arrived in Thundertree quite recently. From what I can gather, he was ousted from his previous lair and has made do with the tower here – it’s not a normal site for a blue dragon to make their home. I would see that dragon driven away from here – it is disruptive to the natural order for such a beast to be here, and any attempt to restore Thundertree is doomed while he remains. Though, this is not something I can do on my own.”

The party indicated that they would be willing to assist Brida in her quest to drive the dragon away from Thundertree. Barendil was particularly keen to demonstrate his clan’s history of dragon hunting to this intriguing druid. She told them that she thought it was unlikely that they would be able to slay the beast but, given its recent history it may well prefer the flee, particularly if they proved a sufficient enough threat to it. She assured them that she would seek some additional assistance should they decide to hunt the dragon but would not be drawn on exactly what help she might be able to provide.

As the conversation turned towards the party’s goals, they explained their overall quest to Brida – that they were searching for the Rockseeker brothers, to help them restore the Lost Mine of Phandelver. The party had information that Gundren Rockseeker, the eldest brother, may be imprisoned in Cragmaw Castle. Though they didn’t have a precise location for the castle, they knew it was somewhere in the south of Neverwinter Wood. They had yet to locate the other two dwarf brothers, but the plan was to use Gundren’s map to then find Wave Echo Cave, the main entrance to the lost mine, and hopefully restore it to its former glory. A drow named the Black Spider was working against them, attempting to acquire the riches of Wave Echo Cave for himself. He seemed to be controlling the Cragmaw goblins from the shadows and they had yet to encounter him in the flesh.

Brida listened to this tale with great interest. She responded that she would also like to see the lost mine restored – just like Sildar, she could see the benefit to the region of increasing local prosperity and allowing people to repopulate towns like Phandalin and Thundertree. Nature and civilisation were out of balance lately, and perhaps this quest could help redress that. She spat on the ground at the mention of the Cragmaw goblin tribe, indicating her distaste for the filthy creatures – Droop hid close to Buck as she did so. Brida took their map and showed them exactly where Cragmaw Castle was, giving the party the option to continue on there as soon as they had rested. She also indicated that she knew where Wave Echo Cave was, though she would only guide them there should they assist in driving away Stormfang. She wouldn’t countenance sending the party directly there when there was still a dragon and a tribe of evil goblins that were destroying the harmonious balance of Neverwinter Wood.

Kisandra took this moment to ask Brida more about herself and her adherence to ‘balance’ that she talked about. The sorceress had had very little dealings with druids in the past, so was curious to learn more about their ways. Brida was more than happy to discuss the delicate balance between civilised peoples and nature, explaining that her and her kin did not want to stop civilisation but rather sought to encourage civilised people to live in balance with nature so that both could flourish.

In terms of druids specifically, Brida explained that they had similarities to clerics in that they could fight and cast spells, though their spells tended towards the use of nature more than most clerics. Druids also had the ability to shapeshift into various animal forms at will, a particularly useful skill for her as she could take flight as a hawk and survey the land around her home from the relative safety of the clouds.

Nodding with interest, Kisandra made a mental note to research the subject more when she next visited a library, wondering if there were any druidic traits that she could learn that might be beneficial in the future.

The party shared an evening meal with Brida and accepted her gracious offer to rest in the security of her house. They told her they certainly intended to attack Stormfang the following day, hoping that they might come up with a reliable plan of attack overnight.

“’ere, so where’s that pretty bird I saw come down your chimney then Miss Brida?” asked Nobby just before getting his head down to sleep, a bewildered expression on his face as he looked about the room in confusion. His companions shook their heads in exasperation. 


Upon waking the next morning, the party set about making preparations for the day ahead. Barendil was outside, stretching in the morning sun that dappled through the leaves in the overgrown ruins, when Perry swooped down from high in the sky and dropped a tightly bound scroll into his waiting hands. It turned out to be a response from Sister Garaele to Kisandra, which the sorceress read aloud to the group.

Sister Garaele's response to Kisandra's latest report

The party had managed to get the lie of the land in Thundertree, exploring the full extent of the deserted streets. They had defeated a large number of enemies and now had an ally who was going to help them tackle the largest and most formidable foe they had yet encountered. Whether Brida’s assistance would be enough to enable them to overcome Stormfang was a question they would soon be answering. Either way, they now knew the precise location of Cragmaw Castle, the next stop in their quest to rescue the Rockseeker brothers and restore the Lost Mine of Phandelver to working order. Assuming the Black Spider had no more tricks with which to surprise them… 

Thundertree map at the end of session 12

The party's regional map of the Sword Coast around Phandalin,
updated after discussion with Brida Elmgrove

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